A Kid's Guide to the Brain.
Sylvia Funston and Jay Ingram. Illustrated by Gary Clement.
Toronto: Greey de Pencier, 1994. 64pp, paper, $9.95.
ISBN 1-895688-819-1.
Grades 3 and Up / Ages 9 and Up.
Review by Bob Piper.
While doing some work on a creative problem-solving game show for OWL TV,
Sylvia Funston became quite interested in brain function and how things
happen in the brain. As former editor-in-chief of OWL and Chickadee
magazines, and as a recognized, award-winning science author and editor,
she has a strong background in producing science materials for
Jay Ingram is best known for his thirteen-year stint as host of CBC
Radio's Quirks and Quarks, and, more recently, for Cranial
Pursuits. He has written some science books for children, notably
Twins: An Amazing Investigation and Real Live
Together, Funston and Ingram have created a fascinating compendium
of facts about the function of the human brain, and have made it most
appealing to children. The facts presented in the four major sections of
this book -- SENSES -- EMOTIONS -- MEMORY -- THINKING -- will fascinate
readers from grade three on up through adulthood.
Besides presenting the scientific details of the anatomy and
physiology of the brain, and relating theories about how the brain
functions, the authors have included a fascinating collection of Brain
Benders (thinking games) and Try This (experiments) which will
lead the reader to think about the practical implications of the
information. The variety of colourful and humorous illustrations by Gary
Clement, along with several excellent photographs, combine to create
strong visual appeal. The detailed index helps to make this a very useful
``research" book for children.
Highly recommended.
Bob Piper is a retired Teacher/Librarian living in Winnipeg.
To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cmeditor@mts.net

Copyright © 1996 the Manitoba Library Association.
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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
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