Every week, CM presents a brief collection of
noteworthy, useful, or just interesting sites we've turned up and actually
checked.Please send us URLs and evaluations of any web-sites you think
deserve the exposure.
- CyberKids
- http://www.cyberkids.c
- CyberKids is a magazine put out by Mountain Lake Software. So there
are a lot of little commercial hooks, but they don't try to hide it, and,
hey, we live in the late 20th century. Anyway, the magazine has reviews,
articles, and stories written by actual kids, and will take submissions.
For the older students there is the similar CyberTeens: http://www.mtlake.com/cyberteens/
- OWLKids Online
- http://www.owl.on.ca/
- All right, launch date for this site is the same day this issue gets
published, so we haven't actually seen the finished product, but this
site from Owl Communications, the publishers of Owl Books, OWL,
Chickadee, and Tree House family magazines, and the
producers of Owl Television ought to be good. The countdown page promises ``To take you
into a cool world of science, nature, and totally radical stuff!"
Totally radical stuff. Hey, at CM we're hip to the kids'
crazy lingo too.
- LEGO Information
- http://legowww.homepages.com/
- Usually we forget about the things we were going to do when we grew
up, like eat an entire batch of cookie batter. Or ,
more to the point, building an actual working car out of
LEGO. That and lots more information and pictures about all
things LEGO.
- http://ericir.syr.edu
- Recently recognised as ``the best
professional education site on the Internet by Global Network Navigator
(GNN), publisher of The Whole Internet Catalog," the AskERIC site includes
lesson plans, plenty of good links, and the AskEric service:
``Teachers, library media specialists, administrators, and others
involved in education can send a message requesting
education information to AskERIC. AskERIC information specialists,
drawing on the vast resources and expertise of the
ERIC System, will respond within 48 hours with ERIC database searches,
ERIC Digests, and Internet resources."
- Chinese Historical & Cultural Project Curriculum
- http://www.kqed
- A little late for New Year's, but:
The lessons cover the Chinese Lunar Calendar (ideal resource for New Year
activities), the Abacus (a fun addition to the math class) Folktales and
Games, Puppetry, Agriculture, Railroad Building and Writing, and there's
even a lesson entitled ``Bound Feet" which encourages students to compare
our current fashions trends to those of the past.
(From the NET-HAPPENINGS list.)

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