CM Magazine: The Little Math Puzzle Contest

The Little Math Puzzle Contest
Man seeks order and pattern in all things
Be ready to change your paradigm.
Puzzle #25
What are the next two numbers in this pattern?
1, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 20, ___, ___
This puzzle comes from Sacred Heart Elementary School
Mr. J. Cowley's Grade 6 Class, in Sarnia Ontario.
Send your response by 8:00 a.m., Friday, March 8 to:
Puzzle #23 was the following:
What are the missing
numbers in this set?
31, 29, 31, 30, ___, ___, 31, 31, 30, ......
The answer to Puzzle #23 is below:
31, 30
These are the numbers of days in each month this year.
Jan 31, Feb 29, Mar 31, Apr 30, therefore May 31, Jun 30
The Winners -- Solvers of Puzzle #23
- Mrs. Harris's Grade 4/5 class
St. Margaret's School - Sarnia, Ontario
- Melissa Kelly 6th Grade-- Mr. J. Cowley
Sacred Heart Elementary School - Sarnia, Ontario
- Joan Nandy, Grade 7/8
St Ann School - Toronto, Ontario
- Mrs. Spence's Grade 4/5 class
Joseph Welsh Elementary School - Red Deer Alberta
- Mrs. West and her homeroom (9C) especially Vanessa Maynard;
Vanessa Heichert (8A)
General Byng School - Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Jane Scaplen's grade 6 French Immersion class
Sacred Heart Elementary - Marystown, Newfoundland
- Brett Tronnes, Nicole Lawrence, Jeremy Layden, Ross Neufeld
Piper Creek Elementary School - Red Deer AB
- Rudi, Neil, Kate and the rest of Mr.Davis' grade 5 class.
Sheridan School - Oakville Ont.
- Mrs Caplin's Grade 6A
L.E.R.School - Dalhousie,N.B.
- Math 9 Class
Oyen Public School - Oyen, AB
- Miss Smollett's grade 5 class
L.E. Reinsborough School - Dalhousie, New Brunswick.
- Grade 6/7 J
Keswick Valley Memorial School - Burtts Corner , N. B.
- Jeremy Britton & James Pinto Grade 9T
- Dap Duong (Grade 6)
Lincoln Centennial School - ?
- Mrs. Jones' grade 6/7 class
K. V. M. School - Burtts Corner,N.B.
- Mrs. G.'s Sensational Sixes
SunValley School - Winnipeg, Manitoba
Another view:
Kaitlin Boone 4th grade
explains that you need 4 - 31's, 3 - 30's, and 2- 29's.
Therefore the answer is 31,29,31,30,29,30,31,30
Indian Lakes Elementary School - Virginia Beach, VA
Andrea Pollock and Alex Nazarov
Royal West Academy, Montreal West, Quebec.
Information about the Little Math Puzzle Contest.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364