Every week, CM presents a brief collection of
noteworthy, useful, or just interesting sites we've turned up and actually
checked.Please send us URLs and evaluations of any web-sites you think
deserve the exposure.
- The Great Canadian Hairy Star Party:
A Guide to Enjoying Comet Hyakutake, the Great Comet of '96 - http://scienceweb.dao.nrc.ca/comet.html
- Okay, you must have heard about Comet Hyakutake by now, right? Finally, a comet that works, not just that blurry little snowball that was our turn at Comet Halley. This is the Hyakutake page from Canada's ScienceWeb. Best viewing is March 25, so bone up on this fast.
- Ethics in Science
- You know, after robots and spaceships, the best part about science is the ethical quandries. (``What happens if we press this button? I dunno, let's find out!") This site may be worth several hours of Star Trek re-runs in its ethical content.
- African Primates at Home Home Page
- A little slow, but lovely, and --
``Where else can you *hear* a chimpanzee scream, a gorilla chest-beat, and a
mangabey whoop-gobble? Follow the trail to explore these and other
primates' East African habitats.... (brought to you by a research
Source: Gleason Sackman
- M.E. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) Youth WWW Page
- http://student.uq.edu.au:80/~s336887
- Okay, now that it's made the cover of the Rolling Stone, maybe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome will finally become a hip disease. It's a serious problem, and large numbers of children have it. Point 'em here if they need information or support.
- Internet Anagram Server
(formerly known as: Inert Net Grave Near Mars) - http://www.wordsmith.org:80/awad-cgibin/anagram
- Okay, after all of that science and medicine we're rounding off this week's notable web sites with the Anagram server. I typed in my e-mail address address (cmeditor) and got a long list back, of which the most sadly appropriate seemed to be
and, just for this week,

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