CM Magazine: The Little Math Puzzle Contest

The Little Math Puzzle Contest
Man seeks order and pattern in all things
Be ready to change your paradigm.
Puzzle #30
What is the next number in this pattern?
1, 2, 4, 7, 28, 33, 198, 205, ______
Send your response by 8:00 a.m., Friday, April 26 to:
(Any suggestions for puzzles will be happily received!)
Puzzle #29 was the following:
What are the next two numbers in this pattern?
9, 7, 8, 6, 7, 5, 6, 4, ____, ____
The answer to Puzzle #29 is:
5, 3
which follows a pattern of subtract 2, then add 1 . . . etc.
Or of two interlocking sets 9, 8, 7, 6 . . . with 7, 6, 5, 4. . . .
The Winners -- Solvers of Puzzle #29
- Mrs. G's Sensational Sixes
Sun Valley School - Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Math 9 Class
Oyen Public School - Oyen, AB
- Madame Scaplen's Grade 6 French Immersion Class
Sacred Heart Elementary - Marystown, Newfoundland
- Grade 6 students
Lakeview Elementary School - Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
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- Miss Smollett's grade 5 class
the L.E.Reinsborough - Dalhousie, New Brunswick .
- Grade 6A - Mrs Caplin's Class
L.E.R.School - Dalhousie,N.B.
- Blair Bass
Glen Falls School - Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Sameer Safaya - Grade: 8
German Swiss International School - Hong Kong
- Jessica Wilkerson, April Harris, Miriam Ferhut, Brittany
Hilker, Portia Newby, Tara O'Berry, Michael Tomlin, Liz Caplan
Erika Seelenbinder, Jay Traudt, and Kelly Hardy. David Lintz,
Sheryl Saliba, Mark Zito, Steven Raymond, Ashley Bowens, and
Jenna Rotz fourth graders
Indian Lakes Elementary School - Virginia Beach, VA USA
Beth Young, Librarian
Woodstock High School in - Woodstock, NB
- Patrick Connolly and Ram Vadi - Mrs. Seamans Grade 5
Lakefield Elementary School - Quispamisis N.B.
- Chad Friesen, Jon Letkemann, Steven Locke Gr. 7 A:
Eric Klatt, Tenille Winia Gr. 7 B:
Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Inst. - Winnipeg, MB
- Mr. Russell's Grade 5
Brooklyn District School - Newport, N.S.
- Andrew, Rudi, Jordan and the rest of Mr. Davis' class
Sheridan school - Oakville Ont. Canada
- Jessica Buss, Jeremy Lambert, David Johnson, Sara Lavoratore,
Paul Murray, James Timmington, Julia Knight, Christopher Laycock,
Stephanie Kuhnt, Tara Myny, Adrian D'Angelo, Gabrielle Kern,
Laura Grundy, Adrienne Donkers - 6th Grade - Mr.J. Cowley
Sacred Heart Elementary School - Sarnia, Ontario
- Grade 8 Math Class
Hedges - Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Renee deRonde
Sheridan Public School
C.M.S. - Campbellton, N.B.
- Brian Caplin - Ms Borden's grade 5 class
Campbellton Middle School - Campbellton N.B.
- Stephanie Davidson Gr4/5.
Stanley Elementary - Stanley , N.B.
- Jesse Parsons, age 8, grade 2
Port Elgin Elementary School - Port Elgin, New Brunswick
- Hailey Scott, Justin McKillop, Daniel Hawthorne, Jordon Nason Grade 3
McAdam Elementary, McAdam, N.B.
- Rudi, Jordan, Katie and the rest of Mr.Davis' class
Sheridan school - Oakville Ont. Canada
- Dana Winstone (8B)
Andrew Friesen and Ryan Knutson (9E)
Ms Mondt, Reegan, Stephanie, Alec, Marlee, Chantelle, and Scott (Grade 3)
Dustin, Tiffany, Jessica, Kaitlin, Jason, Clint, Robby, Nick, Jared
and Jorge (Mr. Ens' Grade 4/5)
Neal, Mark, Candace, and Eric (Mrs. Murphy's Grade 4) (Joan Marshall)
- Dianna Basso - Grade 7/8
St Raphael School - Toronto, Ontario
- Van Nguyen - O. Piruckyj's Grade 8
D'Arcy McGee Catholic School - Toronto, Ontario
- Angelica De Jesus, Tamara Chee-A-Kwai
- J. Dignan's & B. Galecka's French Immersion Class
D'Arcy McGee Catholic School - Toronto, Ontario
- Melissa Van Koughnett - T. Burnie's Grade 7/8
St Ann School - Toronto, Ontario
- Dap Duong Grade 6
Lincoln Centennial - St. Catharines, ONT
- <>
And from another point of view!!!
I think the answer is 5, 8, because those were the only
numbers left that were there.
- Abbas Najmudin Grade 3
Lincoln Centennial - St. Catharines, ONT
Andrea Pollock and Alex Nazarov
Royal West Academy, Montreal West, Quebec.
Information about the Little Math Puzzle Contest.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364