For the third year L.C.V.I. in Lindsay, Ontario is hosting the ``Our Town" National Writing contest. We urge all interested teachers to register their schools in the contest. We're hoping that this year's contest is an even bigger success than last year's contest was!
The theme this year is:
The diversity of the family structure is one of the most significant factors that contribute to success in our society. Family can be groups of people who come together to raise children; parents, step-parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, teachers, foster-parents, etc. In the appropriate format for your particular grade level, explore how YOUR family is structured and how this structure provides you with the love and support you need to succeed.
We've expanded our categories this year:
- Elementary 1 -- Grades 3 - 4
- Letter writing - 75 words (students will write a letter describing their family structure)
- Elementary 2 -- Grades 5 - 6.
- Descriptive writing - 100-150 words (students will describe their family)
- Transition Years -- Grades 7 - 9
- Reflective journal response - 250 words
- Intermediate -- Grades 10 - 11
- Poem (20 - 40 lines)
- Senior -- Grades 12 - OA
- Argumentative essay - 1000 words
Contest rules are the same this year as last year. Each teacher will run the contest in his/her own classroom within the school. Each school will then select the ONE best entry per category and submit that best piece to the contest. Do not submit entries for your entire class.
Entries must be recieved, by e-mail, by May 30, 1996
- Overall Standards:
- Is it the proper length?
- Is the assignment on topic?
- Does the piece display confidence in writing?
- Does the author explore and develop the topic?
- Clear style appropriate to level (clarity)?
- Are there well developed sentences?
- Are both spelling and grammar up to standard?
- Does the writer use variety in his/her sentence structure?
- Elementary Standards (letter and descriptive):
- Is it reflective? Does it move beyond the obvious?
- Does the letter discuss interaction between people?
- Is there a clear prose style?
- Does the writer show command of sentence structure?
- Junior Standards (journal response):
- Is there confidence in writing?
- Does the writing reflect sensitivity to the topic?
- Does the writer explore and develop the topic?
- Intermediate (poem):
- Diction, language, figurative speech
- Intutitive nature of the poem (gut reaction)
- Does the poem explore a shared experience that readers can identify with?
- Is there some sort of a rhythm (not necessarily a rhyming scheme)?
- Does the writer exhibit the ability to capture the essence of the family?
- Senior (argumentative essay)
- Is it approximately 1,000 words in length?
- Is there a clear, precise, limited thesis?
- What is the quality of the argument?
- Is there an emphasis on logic?
- Is the style appropriate?
- Is the language clear and appropriate?
Yes, there will be prize money awarded in each category! We will post this information at a later date.
If you would like to register your class in the ``Our Town" writing contest, or if you would like to request more information, please contact us at:
Writing Contest, Kristy Gordon
lcvi@knet.flemingc.on.ca OR ap789@freenet.carleton.ca

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364