
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Miles, Victoria
Illustrated by Elizabeth Gatt
Victoria (B.C.), Orca Book Publishers, 1993.
24pp, paper, $6.95, ISBN 1-55143-002-9. CIP

Reviewed by Hugh A. Cook

Volume 22 Number 2
1994 March / April

A delightful little book with every page in full colour. The background is done in pale green to light blue washes, over which the type is placed and the main characters and scenery are added. In this tale we are told how the mother otter goes about the daily task of feeding her pup. No hints of danger are included nor is there any suggestion that mother will not be able to provide. The intended audience for this story is the pre-school child.

Elizabeth Gatt is the illustrator and has done exceptionally well. The colours are restful and the illustrations are clear and accurate. Victoria Miles does presentations on B.C. wildlife all over the province. Her love of nature is evident in the manner in which she has presented this topic.

This is the first of a set of two in which this author and illustrator have collaborated.

This book would be enjoyed by pre-schoolers and those in the Primary grades.

Pre-school to Grade 2/Ages 3 to 7

Hugh A. Cook is a retired North York elementary librarian in Maple, Ontario

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