
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Merilyn Simonds Mohr
Toronto, Firefly Books, 1993. 351pp, paper
ISBN 1-881527-23-9 (paper) $19.95,
ISBN 1-881527-24-7 (cloth) $29.95. CIP

Reviewed by Marsha Kaiserman

Volume 22 Number 4
1994 September

Do you remember any of the games you used to play as a child? Do you remember any of the games you used to play before you bought that video game? If you're like me, you probably remember the games but forget the rules. Well, help is here in the form of  The Games Treasury by Merilyn Simonds Mohr.

There are well-known games such as Monopoly, chess and poker. There are obscure games, such as sprouts, box the fox, and farkle. There are outdoor games, such as horseshoes, red rover and street hockey. There are card games such as poker, bridge and spit. There are over three hundred games in  The Games Treasury, ranging from board games to card games to outdoor activities to travel games. There are enough games in this one book that you should be able to avoid hearing those dreaded words, "we're bored," for a long time.

The Games Treasury has everything you need except for the game itself, to learn how to play the game. The games, which are arranged according to type, come complete with brief histories, objects, rules, play and strategies. Mohr has done her research with great care and even provides a bibliography, if you want some more information. Roberta Cook's illustrations provide an added touch in explaining how a particular game is played.

This is a "must" book for any home with a readership from age eight to adult.

Grades 3 and up / Ages 8 and up

Marsha Kaiserman is Conferences Cataloguer with the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information in Ottawa, Ontario

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