________________ CM . . . . Volume I Number X . . . . August 18, 1995

 Festival of Australian Children's Literature

A Festival of Australian Children's Literature
"Country Victoria celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Childrens' Book Council of Australia"

To celebrate fifty years of the CBC (the Childrens' Book Council of Australia), Latrobe University, Bendigo is holding a Festival of Children's Literature, offering sessions for all people interested in children's books, writing, and illustration.

The program features addresses by and workshops with major figures in Australian children's literature such as Maurice Saxby, Lilith Norman, and Agnes Nieuwenhuizen, authors Margaret Aitken and James Moloney, and illustrators Noela Young, Terry Denton, and Geoff Hocking.

A curated exhibition of the work of Noela Young (The Muddle-headed Wombat, An Older Kind of Magic, and Pigs might fly...) and of Terry Denton (The Paw, Mr Plunkett's Pool, and Spooner or Later...) will provide the centrepiece of the Festival and will be available for public viewing all week.

The Festival will be opened by Maurice Saxby at a cocktail party at the exhibition on Saturday evening, with a display of fifty years of winners of the CBC Book of the Year awards as well.

Sunday will see papers on Children's Literature from Maurice Saxby, Lilith Norman, and Terry Denton, and workshops featuring Noela Young, Terry Denton, and Geoff Hocking. Lunch is included.

Monday has sessions for schools from ``No Mates Drama in Action" during the day, and a lively panel discussion on the current state of Australian children's literature in the evening. Margaret Aitken, Terry Denton, James Moloney, Lilith Norman, Maurice Saxby, and Noela Young will be on the panel.

On Tuesday, schools will be able to choose from more ``No Mates" action or from two ``Bookgigs" -- Terry Denton discussing The Paw with primary students and James Moloney discussing Gracey with secondary students. The Festival winds up on Tuesday evening with Agnes Nieuwenhuizen talking about Young Adult fiction. Tickets for the whole Festival ($100) or various parts (various prices) are now available!

For further information contact David Beagley at:

Learning Resource Centre
Latrobe University, Bendigo
PO Box 199, Bendigo
phone (054) 447334
Victoria, Australia

e-mail biggles@bendigo.latrobe.edu.au

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364