________________ CM . . . . Volume I Number VII . . . . July 28, 1995

From the Editor

This week marks the last installment in Prof. Luciano Floridi's ``The Internet and the Future of Organized Knowledge," and we'd like to hear what you all thought of it.

Of course, I chose to re-publish it in the first place because I found it unusually thought-provoking, even in a time when you can't turn around without hearing pundits declaiming on related subjects on the CBC, or in the pages of Chatelaine, or just in the course of saving the world in a new movie starring Sandra Bullock. (If I have quibbles about Floridi's article they have to do with the notion that putting the humanities on a more ``scientific" basis is valuable; I think the very value of the humanities is that they're a kind of knowledge that's not scientific in form. That's a big argument, however, and I promise not to write a feature on it anytime soon.)

The essence of CM will always be reviews that are as timely and comprehensible as possible, and by the end of the summer you can count on having at least half-a-dozen in each issue. But we want to make sure we put flesh on those bones as well: news, a regular column of reader responses to our reviews, and feature articles.

So I know it's summer and you'd rather think about swimming, or sailing, or finally getting your collection of antique telephone-line insulators catalogued, but we're asking for feedback: not only on what you think of individual pieces like the article by Prof. Floridi, but on other topics you'd like to see us cover, or on what you think the place of features in CM should be. In fact, if there's something you'd like to write about yourself, or if you'd like to do a critical round-up of resources related to an issue, please send us a proposal, whether you're already on our list of reviewers or not.

As always, to respond to this or anything else in CM, just send email to the address beneath my name.

-- Duncan Thornton

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364