________________ CM . . . . Volume III Number 4 . . . . October 18, 1996

cover You Asked? Over 300 Great Questions and Astounding Answers

Compiled and Edited by Katherine Farris.
Toronto: Greey de Pencier Books, Inc., 1996. 160 pp., softcover, $14.95.
ISBN 1-895688-59-0.

Grades 2 - 5 / Ages 7 - 12.
Review by Lorrie Ann Wannamaker.


? Who first used umbrellas? Are there really only seven colours in a rainbow? Are all frogs green? How much paper does one tree make?

space Have you ever wondered why something is the way it is or how something happens? Are you full of questions about everyday things that no one can answer? Then this book is for you!

space If your students or children enjoy the question and answer section of Owl magazine then they will love this book. If you like teasing young minds, whether as a teacher or a parent, you will find this book a useful daily tool.

space Editor and compiler Katherine Farris has taken the best 350 questions sent into Owl magazine. Along with the answers she has divided the information into chapters - the human body, science and technology, space, and plants and animals.

? space The photographs are stunning and the illustrations are bright and colourful to go along with the fascinating and fun nature of the book. Some pictures fill in most of the page and catch your attention even before you read the questions.

space The table of contents and the index are helpful in letting the young reader find the section they are most interested in reading. My favourite section is the human body, but my nephew's and niece's favourite part was the one about animals. I think when you compile 20 years of questions from Owl magazine you are bound to provide something of interest for everyone.

space There are many question and answer books on the market. Owl's book far exceeds them in terms of quality of graphics, style and overall FUN. They have the most unusual questions, probably because they were solicited from children. Only a child could think of some of these questions - How do worms see underground? Why do people burp? Why do table knives have round edges? This book would be a perfect gift for the child who is constantly asking why or for the parent who has to give the answers.

Highly Recommended

Lorrie Ann Wannamaker

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

Copyright © 1996 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364