July 3, 2007, Volume 177, Issue 1   

   Reflecting on the past and planning for the future
Paul C. Hébert, MD MHSc
CMAJ 2007 177: 9.


   Rétrospective et prospective
Paul C. Hébert, MD MHSc
CMAJ 2007 177: 11.

Highlights of this issue   

   Highlights of this issue
CMAJ 2007 177: 15.
   Governing Conservatives unveil new science and technology blueprint
Wayne Kondro
CMAJ 2007 177: 21-22.
   US Senate passes FDA Revitalization Act
Patricia Guthrie
CMAJ 2007 177: 23.
   Healing in Sadaam's Hospital
Jenn Gearey
CMAJ 2007 177: 24.
   Newfoundland launches judicial inquiry
Mark Quinn
CMAJ 2007 177: 24-25.
   Secret locker room game causing concussions
Donalee Moulton
CMAJ 2007 177: 25.
   News @ a glance
Wayne Kondro
CMAJ 2007 177: 25-26.
   Dispatch: Canadian dispatches from medical fronts: Fort McMurray
Michel Sauve, MD MSc
CMAJ 2007 177: 26.


   Teaching Case Report: An all-inclusive vacation
Tom A. Szakacs, MD DTM&H and Anne E. McCarthy, MD DTM&H
CMAJ 2007 177: 29-31.
   Clinical Vistas: Postpartum pneumomediastinum (Hamman's syndrome)
Sabine Majer, MD and Peter Graber, MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 32.
   Public Health: Resurgence of early congenital syphilis in Alberta
Ameeta Eshri Singh, BMBS MSc, Karen Sutherland, RN BScN, Bonita Lee, MD MSc, Joan Louise Robinson, MD, and Tom Wong, MD MPH
CMAJ 2007 177: 33-36.


Rate of methadone use among Aboriginal opioid injection drug users
Evan Wood, MD PhD, Julio S. Montaner, MD, Kathy Li, MSc, Lucy Barney, RN MSN, Mark W. Tyndall, MD ScD, and Thomas Kerr, PhD
CMAJ 2007 177: 37-40.
Use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in Canadian and US survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
David H. Birnie, MB ChB MD, Christie Sambell, BSc, Helen Johansen, PhD, Kathryn Williams, MS, Robert Lemery, MD, Martin S. Green, MD, Michael H. Gollob, MD, Douglas S. Lee, MD PhD, and Anthony S.L. Tang, MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 41-46.


   Research: Implantable cardioverter defibrillators work — so why aren't we using them?
Christopher S. Simpson, MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 49-51.
   Canada's health care system and the sustainability paradox
Irfan Dhalla, MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 51-53.
   Arithmetic failure and the myth of the unsustainability of universal health insurance
François Béland, PhD
CMAJ 2007 177: 54-56.
   Clinical trial registration: looking back and moving ahead
Christine Laine, MD MPH, Richard Horton, FMedSci, Catherine D. DeAngelis, MD MPH, Jeffrey M. Drazen, MD, Frank A. Frizelle, MBChB MMed, Fiona Godlee, MBBChir BS, Charlotte Haug, MD PhD MSc, Paul C. Hébert, MD MHSc, Sheldon Kotzin, MLS, Ana Marusic, MD PhD, Peush Sahni, MS PhD, Torben V. Schroeder, MD DMSc, Harold C. Sox, MD, Martin B. Van Der Weyden, MD, and Freek W.A. Verheugt, MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 57-58.
   Congratulations to our colleagues at Open Medicine
Matthew B. Stanbrook, MD PhD, Ken Flegel, MDCM, Barbara Sibbald, BJ, Eric Wooltorton, MD, Noni McDonald, MD MSc, Amir Attaran, LLB PhD, Paul C. Hébert, MD MHSc on behalf of the staff of CMAJ
CMAJ 2007 177: 59-61.


   CMA driver's guide
Donald W. Gross, MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 64.
   CMA driver's guide
David J.M. Butcher, MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 64-65.
   The disease burden of alcohol consumption
Jayadeep Patra, PhD, Benjamin Taylor, MSc, and Jürgen Rehm, PhD
CMAJ 2007 177: 65.
   Physician migration: pitting one province against another
Jillian N. Parsons, MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 65.
   Imaging error
John A. Clark, MDCM
CMAJ 2007 177: 65-66.

   Correction: Imaging error
Erica Weir, MD MSc and Marsha Cohen, MD MHSc
CMAJ 2007 177: 66.
CMAJ 2007 177: 66.

The Left Atrium   

   Lifeworks: Sine waves and brush strokes
Anne Tweed, MB BS
CMAJ 2007 177: 67-68.
   Room for a view: Language in a context
Gabriel Baugniet
CMAJ 2007 177: 68.
   Poem: Memory for MMSE
Pari Basharat, BSc
CMAJ 2007 177: 69.
   Book review: Biographies of healers
Ken Flegel, MDCM
CMAJ 2007 177: 70.


CMAJ 2007 177: 111.


   CMAJ's Salon: lateral thinking about health
Barbara Sibbald, BJ
CMAJ 2007 177: 112.