Giuseppe Famularo, MD PhD and Michele Galluzzo, MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 149-150.
Indoor air quality and the risk of lower respiratory tract infections in young Canadian Inuit children
Thomas Kovesi, MD, Nicolas L. Gilbert, MSc, Corinne Stocco, MSc, Don Fugler, PEng, Robert E. Dales, MD MSc, Mireille Guay, MSc, and J. David Miller, PhD
CMAJ 2007 177: 155-160.
Vitamin Ddeficiency rickets among children in Canada
Leanne M. Ward, MD, Isabelle Gaboury, MSc, Moyez Ladhani, MD, and Stanley Zlotkin, MD PhD
CMAJ 2007 177: 161-166.
Research: Respiratory tract infections in Inuit children: "Set thine house in order"
Pamela H. Orr, MSc MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 167-168.
Research: Active surveillance: an essential tool in safeguarding the health and well-being of children and youth