Low bone mineral density and fracture burden in postmenopausal women
Ann Cranney MD MSc, Sophie A. Jamal MD PhD, James F. Tsang BSc, Robert G. Josse MB BS, William D. Leslie MD MSc
CMAJ 2007 177: 575-580.
Socioeconomic status and perinatal outcomes in a setting with universal access to essential health care services
K.S. Joseph MD PhD, Robert M. Liston MB, Linda Dodds PhD, Leanne Dahlgren MD, Alexander C. Allen MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 583-590.
Frequency of colorectal cancer screening and the impact of family physicians on screening behaviour
Ryan Zarychanski MD, Yue Chen PhD, Charles N. Bernstein MD, Paul C. Hébert MD MHSc
CMAJ 2007 177: 593-597.
Medicine and Society: Sharing the responsibility for assessing the risk of the driver with dementia
Mark J. Rapoport MD, Nathan Herrmann MD, Frank J. Molnar MDCM, Malcolm Man-Son-Hing MD, Shawn C. Marshall MD MSc, Ken Shulman MD, Gary Naglie MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 599-601.
Treating hypertriglyceridemia
Georg Röggla MD, Michael Fasan MD, Stylianos Kapiotis MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 603.