Teaching Case Report: A potentially preventable case of serious influenza infection in a pregnant patient
Michael D. Parkins MD MSc, Kevin Fonseca PhD, Adam D. Peets MD MSc, Kevin B. Laupland MD MSc, Khaled Shamseddin MD, M. John Gill MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 851-853.
Clinical Vistas: Phrynoderma: a cutaneous sign of an inadequate diet
Alessandro Di Stefani MD, Augusto Orlandi MD, Sergio Chimenti MD, Luca Bianchi MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 855-867.
One-year follow-up of a therapeutic lifestyle intervention targeting cardiovascular disease risk
Andrew Wister PhD, Nadine Loewen MD, Holly Kennedy-Symonds MHSc, Brian McGowan MD, Bonnie McCoy MA, Joel Singer PhD
CMAJ 2007 177: 859-865.
Effect of perindopril on physical function in elderly people with functional impairment: a randomized controlled trial
Deepa Sumukadas MBBS MD, Miles D. Witham MBChB PhD, Allan D. Struthers MBChB MD, Marion E.T. McMurdo MBChB MD
CMAJ 2007 177: 867-874.
Predictors of inappropriate antibiotic prescribing among primary care physicians