Association between proximity to the attending nephrologist and mortality among patients receiving hemodialysis
Marcello Tonelli MD SM, Braden Manns MD MSc, Bruce Culleton MD MSc, Scott Klarenbach MD MSc, Brenda Hemmelgarn MD PhD, Natasha Wiebe MMath PStat, John S. Gill MD MSc, for the Alberta Kidney Disease Network
CMAJ 2007 177: 1039-1044.
Special Report
Health research funding: Members' of Parliament knowledge of and attitudes toward health research and funding
Daniel R. Clark BSc, Patrick J. McGrath PhD, Noni MacDonald MD MSc
CMAJ 2007 177: 1045-1051.
Research: Mortality trends among Canadian patients receiving dialysis
Robert N. Foley MB MSc
CMAJ 2007 177: 1055-1056.
Special report: The future of health research is hanging in the balance
Christopher J. Paige PhD
CMAJ 2007 177: 1057-1058.
Poverty and human development
Poverty and chronic diseases in Asia: challenges and opportunities
Aliya A. Khan MD, Anthony B. Hodsman MB BS, Alexandra Papaioannou MSc MD, David Kendler MD, Jacques P. Brown MD, Wojciech P. Olszynski MD PhD
CMAJ 2007 177: 1069-1070.
Accuracy of point-of-care measurements
Philippe G. Jorens MD PhD
CMAJ 2007 177: 1070.