CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:503
What's next for CMAJ?
John Fletcher
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:507
Telemonitoring for patients with heart failure
Martin R. Cowie and
Andres Acosta Lobos
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:509-510
Toilet training children: when to start and how to train
Darcie A. Kiddo
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:511
Press that button again, please
Erin Walkinshaw
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E242-E243
Taking the pulse of pulse oximetry in Africa
Jocelyn Edwards
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E244-E245
Waiting for medicine’s black swans
Sabrina Doyle
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E246-E247
Bridging the dementia gap
Sabrina Doyle
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E248-E249
Provinces weighing HPV vaccination of boys
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E250-E251
The art of necessary compromise
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E252-E253
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E254-E255
For the record
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E256-E259
Systemic health reform and physician wage freeze urged for Ontario
Wayne Kondro
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:515-516
Tentative steps toward transparency and accountability
Sabrina Doyle
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:517
Prohibition against off-label drug promotion challenged
Cal Woodward
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:518-519
Diagnostic and prognostic utility of early measurement with high-sensitivity troponin T assay in patients presenting with chest pain
Sally J. Aldous, Mark Richards, Louise Cullen, Richard Troughton, and Martin Than
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E260-E268
Change in appropriate referrals to nephrologists after the introduction of automatic reporting of the estimated glomerular filtration rate
Ayub Akbari,
Jeremy Grimshaw,
Dawn Stacey,
William Hogg,
Tim Ramsay,
Marcella Cheng-Fitzpatrick,
Peter Magner,
Robert Bell,
and Jolanta Karpinski
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E269-E276
Factors influencing patient choice of dialysis versus conservative care to treat end-stage kidney disease
Rachael L. Morton,
Paul Snelling,
Angela C. Webster,
John Rose,
Rosemary Masterson,
David W. Johnson,
and Kirsten Howard
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:E277-E283
Factors predicting coroners’ decisions to hold discretionary inquests
Simon J. Walter,
Lyndal Bugeja,
Matthew J. Spittal,
and David M. Studdert
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:521-528
Informed consent for clinical treatment
Daniel E. Hall,
Allan V. Prochazka,
and Aaron S. Fink
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:533-540
Canada’s laws on pharmaceutical intellectual property: the case for fundamental reform
Paul Grootendorst,
Ron Bouchard,
and Aidan Hollis
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:543-549
Decisions: Does a patient with a thunderclap headache need a lumbar puncture?
Ben Fine,
Navneet Singh,
Richard Aviv,
and R. Loch Macdonald
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:555-556
Cases: “Safety” technology: a hidden cause of diabetic ketoacidosis
Catherine H.Y. Yu
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:557-558
Five Things to Know About...: Management of community-acquired pneumonia in the emergency department
Jerome A. Leis and Wayne L. Gold
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:559
Clinical Images: Community-acquired pneumonia
Nicola Mumoli and
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:560
Clinical shorts
Diane Kelsall
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:561
Tattoos and sarcoidosis
Karan Madan
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:563
Tattoos and sarcoidosis
Joel Post and
Peter Hull
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:563
Medication regimens
Jonathan Fuller,
C. Shawn Tracy,
and Ross E.G. Upshur
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:563
The pink room
Caloren Johnstone
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:565
Books: Biography of a complicated, visionary humanitarian
Andrew Howard
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:566
Books: A glimpse into the training of the next generation of physicians
Lara Hazelton
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:567
The adverse effects of brand-name drug prescribing
Ken Flegel
CMAJ March 20, 2012 184:616