CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1007
Waging war against rotavirus at home and abroad
Noni E. MacDonald,Daniel Rosenfield, Ken Flegel, and Matthew B. Stanbrook
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1011
Changing patterns in suicide among young people
Laurence J. Kirmayer
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1015-1016
Prison puzzle: treating hepatitis C
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1017-1018
Medical ink
Roger Collier
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1018-1020
Dance lessons on a personal health budget
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E444-E446
India to offer microloans for people living with HIV
Sanjeet Bagcchi and Roger Collier
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E447-E448
Surge in Down syndrome prenatal testing anticipated
Roger Collier
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E449-E450
Imperfect measure of hospital safety
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E451-E452
Patients driving alternative medicine boom
Jordan Fallis
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E453-E454
Screening embryos may lead to stigma
Roger Collier
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E455-E456
Evaluating professorial halos
Andrea Hill
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E457-E458
Bloom fading from e-health golden wattle
Tanalee Smith
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E459-E460
Moos your daddy?
Roger Collier
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E461-E462
The nitty-gritty on nits
Chris Hemond
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E463-E464
Health care in the caves
Tiago Villanueva Gutierrez Arruda Marques
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E465-E466
Genetic literacy poor in primary care
Roger Collier
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E467-E468
Mental health strategy needs national buy-in
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E469-E470
Statistical starting points in Africa
Bernard Appiah
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E471-E472
MCAT revisions finalized
Michael Monette and Chris Hemond
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E473-E474
Diabetes registry overdue, if not obsolete
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E475-E476
Saskatchewan medical school mulls overhaul
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E477-E478
Should hiding HIV status always be a crime?
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E479-E480
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E481-E484
For the record
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E485-E491
The variability of reported salt levels in fast foods across six countries: opportunities for salt reduction
Elizabeth Dunford, Jacqueline Webster, Mark Woodward, Sebastien Czernichow, Wen Lun Yuan, Katharine Jenner, Cliona Ni Mhurchu, Michael Jacobson, Norm Campbell, and Bruce Neal
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1023-1028
Suicide among children and adolescents in Canada: trends and sex differences, 1980–2008
Robin Skinner and Steven McFaull
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1029-1034
Sex ratios among Canadian liveborn infants of mothers from different countries
Joel G. Ray, David A. Henry, and Marcelo L. Urquia
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E492-E496
Perspectives of patients, family caregivers and physicians about the use of opioids for refractory dyspnea in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Graeme Rocker, Joanne Young, Margaret Donahue, Morag Farquhar, and Catherine Simpson
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E497-E504
Managing obesity in adults in primary care
Gilles Plourde and Denis Prud’homme
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1039-1044
Decisions: Reducing the risk of infection in a patient who will undergo splenectomy
Dan Petrescu, Wayne L. Gold, and Jerome A. Leis
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1053-1054
What is Your Call?: A Jehovah’s Witness adolescent with pancytopenia
Lauren Kitney, Ronik Kanani, and Claire De Souza
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1055-1059
Five Things to Know About ...: Acute bacterial meningitis in adults
Yasbanoo Moayedi and Wayne L. Gold
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1060
Scrofula, the king’s evil
Guillaume Moulis and Guillaume Martin-Blondel
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1061
Clinical shorts
Diane Kelsall
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1062
Female feticide
Susan J. Woolhouse
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1064
Female feticide
Nathalie Auger and Harbhajan S. Kang
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1064
Female feticide
Justin E.J. Kopp
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1064
Philippines should not have been included
Richard East
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1065
Philippines should not have been included
Rajendra Kale
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1065
Infection control in the emergency department
Francesco M. Fusco and Vincenzo Puro
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1065
Essay: Unreadable
Daniel J. Heffner
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1066
Books: Mapping as methodology
Erica Weir
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1067-1068
Poetry: Trainspotting in the clinic
Majid Mohiuddin
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1068
Books: Yearning for significance is hard to swallow
Paul Moorehead
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:E505
The formerly fat physician
Ben Williams
CMAJ June 12, 2012 184:1112