CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1551
Farm-grown superbugs: While the world acts, Canada dawdles
Barbara Sibbald
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1553
Liver injury in the elderly due to fluoroquinolones: Should these drugs be avoided?
Paul H. Hayashi and
Naga P. Chalasani
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1555-1556
Defining training needs, core competencies and future certification for Canadian hospitalists
Scott D. Smith and Khalil Sivjee
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1557-1558
Professionalism: The privilege and burden of self-regulation
Roger Collier
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1559-1560
Resolving the market mysteries of medical isotopes
Tim Lougheed
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1561-1562
Attracting small-town docs a challenge
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E735-E736
The costs of choice in senior care
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E737-E738
Aboriginal health programming under siege, critics charge
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E739-E740
The science of pesticide-free potato chips
Michael Monette
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E741-E742
The new rules of naturopathy
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E743-E744
Wayne Kondro
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E745-E747
For the record
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E748-E750
Fluoroquinolone therapy and idiosyncratic acute liver injury: a population-based study
J. Michael Paterson, Muhammad M. Mamdani, Michael Manno, and David N. Juurlink , for the Canadian Drug Safety and Effectiveness Research Network
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1565-1570
Systemic corticosteroid monotherapy for clinically diagnosed acute rhinosinusitis: a randomized controlled trial
Roderick P. Venekamp, Marc J.M. Bonten, Maroeska M. Rovers, Theo J.M. Verheij, and Alfred P.E. Sachs
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E751-E757
Incidence and causes of end-stage renal disease among Aboriginal children and young adults
Susan M. Samuel, Bethany J. Foster, Brenda R. Hemmelgarn, Alberto Nettel-Aguirre, Lynden Crowshoe, R. Todd Alexander, Andrea Soo, and Marcello A. Tonelli, for the Pediatric Renal Outcomes Canada Group
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E758-E764
Trends in the incidence and outcomes of heart failure in Ontario, Canada: 1997 to 2007
Darwin F. Yeung, Nicole K. Boom, Helen Guo, Douglas S. Lee, Susan E. Schultz, and Jack V. Tu
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E765-E773
Process for guideline development by the reconstituted Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
Sarah Connor Gorber, Harminder Singh, Kevin Pottie, Alejandra Jaramillo, and Marcello Tonelli
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1575-1581
A patient charter of rights: how to avoid a toothless tiger and achieve system improvement
Colleen M. Flood and Kathryn May
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1583-1587
Cases: Vitamin B12 deficiency in infants secondary to maternal causes
Nadia Roumeliotis, David Dix, and Alisa Lipson
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1593-1598
Five Things to Know About...: Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography
Wesley D. Block and Mostafa Atri
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1599
Clinical Images: Brown urine and black hip
Nikiforos Galanis and Margaritis Kyrkos
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1600
Clinical Images: Oral lichen planus
Eric T. Stoopler and Thomas P. Sollecito
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E774
Five Things to Know About...: Intravascular contrast media for imaging in breastfeeding women
Navneet Singh and Kristopher McLean
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E775
The future is now for rare genetic diseases
Alex MacKenzie and Kym M. Boycott
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1603
The 5A model for the management of obesity
Arya M. Sharma
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1603
The authors respond
Gilles Plourde and Denis Prud’homme
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1603-1604
Contrasting coroners
Andrew L. McCallum, Albert E. Lauwers, Daniel E. Cass, and Michael Blain
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1604
The authors respond
Simon J. Walter and David M. Studdert
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1604
Books: An insider’s take on practising medicine in the US
Lara Hazelton
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1605
Books: Not as good as we need it to be
Irfan A. Dhalla
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1606
Books: The enduring value of Bulgakov’s stories
Paul Moorehead
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1607
Books: A tale of the imbalance of power
Paul Moorehead
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E776
Art: Healing and hurting, all in one building in Mexico
Paul Gessell
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E777-E779
Poetry: scribing death
Rebecca Zener
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:E780
Most of our prescription drugs are manufactured overseas — but are they safe?
Alan Cassels
CMAJ October 2, 2012 184:1648