CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1271
A political prescription is needed to treat obesity
John Fletcher and
Kirsten Patrick
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1275
Are all “milks” created equal?
Sina Gallo and
Celia Rodd
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1277-1278
Collaborative practice among obstetricians, family physicians and midwives
Lisa Morgan,
George Carson,
Andrée Gagnon,
and Jennifer Blake
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1279-1280
Calls for a better food guide
Roger Collier
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1281
Montréal hospitals preserve heritage
Catherine Cross
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1282-1283
Top court hears right-to-die appeal
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1284
Physician pushes for improved Ebola care
Miriam Shuchman
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:E642
WMA calls for urgent support to fight Ebola
Miriam Shuchman
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:E643-E644
10 health stories that mattered: Oct. 4–10
Roger Collier
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:E645
Arthritis charter sets patient duty to engage
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:E646
10 health stories that mattered: Oct. 11–17
Roger Collier
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:E647
Stem-cell replication to treat blood diseases
Veronique Morin
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:E648
Consumption of non–cow’s milk beverages and serum vitamin D levels in early childhood
Grace J. Lee,
Catherine S. Birken,
Patricia C. Parkin,
Gerald Lebovic,
Yang Chen,
Mary R. L’Abbé,
and Jonathon L. Maguire, for the TARGet Kids! Collaboration
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1287-1293
Mediterranean diets and metabolic syndrome status in the PREDIMED randomized trial
Nancy Babio,
Estefanía Toledo,
Ramón Estruch,
Emilio Ros,
Miguel A. Martínez-González,
Olga Castañer,
Mònica Bulló,
Dolores Corella,
Fernando Arós,
Enrique Gómez-Gracia,
Valentina Ruiz-Gutiérrez,
Miquel Fiol,
José Lapetra,
Rosa M. Lamuela-Raventos,
Lluís Serra-Majem,
Xavier Pintó,
Josep Basora,
José V. Sorlí,
and Jordi Salas-Salvadó , for the PREDIMED Study Investigators
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:E649-E657
Highlights: Highlights
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1295
Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonized National Guidelines Endeavour (C-CHANGE): 2014 update
Sheldon W. Tobe,
James A. Stone,
Kimberly M. Walker,
Todd Anderson,
Onil Bhattacharyya,
Alice Y.Y. Cheng,
Jean Gregoire,
Gord Gubitz,
Mary L’Abbé,
David C.W. Lau,
Lawrence A. Leiter,
Paul Oh,
Raj Padwal,
Luc Poirier,
Peter Selby,
Mark Tremblay,
Richard A. Ward,
Diane Hua,
and Peter P. Liu, for the C-CHANGE Initiative
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1299-1305
Decisions: A 67-year-old woman with knee pain
Alistair R. Demcoe and
Eric R. Bohm
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1311-1314
What is your call?: A 54-year-old man with hallucinations and hearing loss
Claude Steriade,
Steven L. Shumak,
and Anthony Feinstein
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1315-1318
Five things to know about …: Nutrition in dementia
Robert E. Lam and
Peter J. Lam
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1319
Clinical images: Ruptured infected pseudoaneurysm of the thoracic aorta
Mohamad Anas Hussain and
Graham Roche-Nagle
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1320
Polypharmacy: prevention and management
C. Shawn Tracy,
Jonathan Fuller,
and Ross E.G. Upshur
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1321
Polypharmacy: prevention and management
Salima Shamji,
Barbara Farrell,
Ann Monahan,
and Véronique French Merkley
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1321
Dental profession fails to meet needs of disabled Canadians
Joan L. Rush
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1321-1322
Oral health and prevention and screening for HPV
Pamela Liao and
Vivien Brown
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1322
Young’s postulate
Nancy Craig
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1322
Encounters: Whose body is this?
Tyson B. Brust
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1323-1324
The law and physician-assisted dying
Tom Koch
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1336
Care, compassion, respect
James Downar
CMAJ November 18, 2014 186:1336