CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:631
Don’t ask, don’t tell: Canadian policies on radon
Diane L. Kelsall
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:635
Migration and risk of psychosis in the Canadian context
James B. Kirkbride and Anna-Clara Hollander
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:637-638
Primary chemoprevention of breast cancer: Are the adverse effects too burdensome?
Vinay Prasad and Marie Diener-West
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E276-E278
Scientists decry Canada’s outdated Wi-Fi safety rules
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:639-640
Dr. David Sackett, a giant among giants (1934–2015)
Roger Collier
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:640-641
Rise in violence against doctors in Turkey, elsewhere
Martin Smith
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:643
More medical graduates than ever choosing family practice
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:644
Food guide under fire at obesity summit
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E256
Federal budget disappoints seniors’ advocates
Laura Eggertson and Barbara Sibbald
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E257-E258
Budget emphasizes industry-driven research
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E259-E260
10 health stories that mattered: Apr. 18–24
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E261
Six new laureates in Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
Martin Smith
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E262
Vaccine needed for Aboriginal children
Miriam Shuchman
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E263-E264
PHAC chided for lack of antimicrobial resistance strategy
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E265
10 health stories that mattered: Apr. 25–May 1
Roger Collier
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E266
Ebola crisis revealed “major fault lines”
Moneeza Walji
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E267
Quebec reforms: necessary or overkill?
Huguette Young
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E268
Active play key to curbing child obesity
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E269-E270
10 health stories that mattered this week: May 1–7
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E271
Fund basic research say polled Canadians
Shannon Lough
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E272
Health groups hunger for prompt label change
Martin Smith
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E273-E274
10 health stories that mattered this week: May 8–15
Roger Collier
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E275
Kidney function and the use of nitrofurantoin to treat urinary tract infections in older women
Namisha Singh, Sonja Gandhi, Eric McArthur, Louise Moist, Arsh K. Jain, Aiden R. Liu, Manish M. Sood, and Amit X. Garg
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:648-656
Incidence of psychotic disorders among first-generation immigrants and refugees in Ontario
Kelly K. Anderson, Joyce Cheng, Ezra Susser, Kwame J. McKenzie, and Paul Kurdyak
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E279-E286
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:658
Diagnosis and management of developmental coordination disorder
Susan R. Harris, Elizabeth C.R. Mickelson, and Jill G. Zwicker
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:659-665
Social egg freezing: risk, benefits and other considerations
Angel Petropanagos, Alana Cattapan, Françoise Baylis, and Arthur Leader
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:666-669
What is your call?: A 30-year-old woman with vision loss and painful eye movements
Jonathan A. Micieli and Edward Margolin
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:673-675
Cases: McKittrick–Wheelock syndrome
Michael J. Raphael, Christine M. McDonald, and Allan S. Detsky
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:676-678
Five things to know about …: Middle East respiratory syndrome
Amal Al-Maani, Wayne L. Gold, and Allison McGeer
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:679
Clinical images: Giant and multivessel aneurysms of the coronary artery
Wael Abuzeid and Juan Carlos Monge
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:680
Drugged driving
Laurence Jerome
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:681
Bariatric surgery saves lives
Michel Gagner
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:681
Radon risks
Michael Paci
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:681
Encounters: Alcohol-exposed? Next
John D. McLennan
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:682-683
Essay: A false dichotomy
Clare Whitehead and Ayelet Kuper
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:683-684
Encounters: Power: a parable of leadership
Richard B. Weinberg
CMAJ June 16, 2015 187:E287-E288