CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:711
CMAJ Humanities adopts a second critical lens
Dorian Deshauer and Barbara Sibbald
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:713
Assessing the benefits and risks of owning a pet
E. Paul Cherniack and Ariella R. Cherniack
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:715-716
Tamper-resistant drugs cannot solve the opioid crisis
Pamela Leece, Aaron M. Orkin, and Meldon Kahan
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:717-718
Asbestos in Canada: time to change our legacy
Trevor Dummer and Carolyn Gotay
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E315-E316
Rethink weight limits on morning-after pill
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:719-720
Why the fuss over disclosure of physician billings?
Roger Collier
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:720
New owner, but “business as usual” for CMAJ
Barbara Sibbald
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:721
More hospitals Choosing Wisely
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:722
National asset map for clinical trials launched
Shannon Lough
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:723
Is withholding clinical trial results “research misconduct”?
Roger Collier
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:724
Backlash at MJA for firing another editor
Roger Collier
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E289-E290
E-cigarette data don’t end debate
Roger Collier
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E291
Health researchers highlighted in online project
Shannon Lough
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E292
10 health stories that mattered: May 16–22
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E293
Will Quebec influence Ontario’s IVF plans?
Alison Motluk
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E294
Podcast: new interest in circumcision
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E295
10 health stories that mattered: May 22–28
Roger Collier
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E296
Doctors of BC will vote again for president-elect
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E297
Rheumatology an in-demand career choice
Cameron Johnston
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E298
Controversy over Doctors of BC vote
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E299
10 health stories that mattered: May 30–June 5
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E300
Ebola lessons guide International Health Regulations review
Carolyn Brown
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E301-E302
Proposed reforms delay Quebec’s Bill 20
Huguette Young
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E303
Cochrane Canada to lose primary funding
Roger Collier
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E304
World Health Assembly tackles air pollution
Shannon Lough
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E305-E306
Many refugees still denied care despite ruling
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E307-E308
E-health progress still poor $2 billion and 14 years later
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E309-E310
Reconsidering care for frail older people
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E311-E312
CIHR “dismantling” Aboriginal health research
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E313-E314
10 health stories that mattered: June 5–11
Roger Collier
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E314
External validation of the Hospital-patient One-year Mortality Risk (HOMR) model for predicting death within 1 year after hospital admission
Carl van Walraven, Finlay A. McAlister, Jeffrey A. Bakal, Steven Hawken, and Jacques Donzé
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:725-733
Determinants of variations in initial treatment strategies for stable ischemic heart disease
Maria C. Bennell, Feng Qiu, Kori J. Kingsbury, Peter C. Austin, and Harindra C. Wijeysundera
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E317-E325
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:735
Reducing the risk of pet-associated zoonotic infections
Jason W. Stull, Jason Brophy, and J.S. Weese
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:736-743
Decisions: Cardiac testing in an asymptomatic 42-year-old man
R. Sacha Bhatia, Ciara Pendrith, and Heather Ross , the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Choosing Wisely Canada Committee
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:747-749
What is your call?: Cognitive decline in an older physician
Gregory S. Day, Simon Carette, and David F. Tang-Wai
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:750-754
Five things to know about …: The resurgence of pertussis
J. Brad Wiggers, Jerome A. Leis, and Wayne L. Gold
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:755
Clinical images: Phytophotodermatitis from making sangria: a phototoxic reaction to lime and lemon juice
Margaret Mioduszewski and Jennifer Beecker
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:756
Clinical images: Tremor mimicking ventricular tachycardia
Pieter Martens and Peter Sinnaeve
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E326
Clinical images: Methotrexate-induced nodulosis
Shota Takashima and Mitsuhito Ota
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E327
Quinine and leg cramps
Hans D. Katzberg and Ari Breiner
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:757
Quinine and leg cramps
David B. Hogan
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:757
We need a moral compass
Tim Lau and Rene Leiva
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:757-758
Pocketbook versus patient
Sean A. Kennedy and Mark O. Baerlocher
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:758
Social equity in health care
Thomas D. Brothers, Matthew J. To, Colin Van Zoost, and Jeffrey Turnbull
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:758
Medicine and society: How to make opinion leaders and influence people
Sergio Sismondo
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:759-760
Encounters: Room 23
Millie Paupst
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:761-762
Books: A place for humanities in medical education
Vincent Hanlon
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E328
Books: Olga ran
Alan Cassels
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E329
Poetry: Hangers
Joanne Sinai
CMAJ July 14, 2015 187:E330