CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1129
Canada Health Act needs bite
Barbara Sibbald and Matthew B. Stanbrook
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1133
Reining in the “100-day cough”: unfinished business
Nicole Le Saux and Ian Gemmill
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1135-1136
Chronic congestive heart failure — a new therapeutic choice
John D. Parker and Heather J. Ross
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1137-1138
Mental health in the smartphone era
Roger Collier
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1141-1142
Doctors seek legal advice over assisted dying
Steve Mertl
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1142
Medical society journals face publishing woes
Carolyn Brown
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1143
Abiding worries over federal health research
Paul Webster
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1144
Parliament to vote on palliative care bill
Terry Murray
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:E397
Alleged predatory publisher buys medical journals
Carolyn Brown
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:E398
Lifetime risk of diabetes among First Nations and non–First Nations people
Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Nathalie Saad, Min Jun, Marcello Tonelli, Zhihai Ma, Cheryl Carmelle Marie Barnabe, Braden Manns, and Brenda Hemmelgarn
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1147-1153
Effectiveness of pertussis vaccination and duration of immunity
Kevin L. Schwartz, Jeffrey C. Kwong, Shelley L. Deeks, Michael A. Campitelli, Frances B. Jamieson, Alex Marchand-Austin, Therese A. Stukel, Laura Rosella, Nick Daneman, Shelly Bolotin, Steven J. Drews, Heather Rilkoff, and Natasha S. Crowcroft
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:E399-E406
Euthanasia in Belgium: trends in reported cases between 2003 and 2013
Sigrid Dierickx, Luc Deliens, Joachim Cohen, and Kenneth Chambaere
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:E407-E414
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1156
An update on the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson disease
Philippe Rizek, Niraj Kumar, and Mandar S. Jog
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1157-1165
Decisions: Assessing arrhythmia risk in a 15-year-old boy whose father died suddenly
Paul Dorian and Andrew D. Krahn
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1172-1174
Innovations: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: an emerging treatment for medication-resistant depression
Jonathan Downar, Daniel M. Blumberger, and Zafiris J. Daskalakis
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1175-1177
Five things to know about…: Preeclampsia
Rohan D’Souza and John Kingdom
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1178
Clinical images: Thoracic outlet syndrome
Derrick Y. Tam and Mohammed Al-Omran
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1179
Suicide prevention
Louise Bradley
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1181
Doing any test is not better than doing no test
Lisa K. Freeman
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1181
Medicine and society: Finding a solution to the organ shortage
Arthur L. Caplan
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1182-1183
Encounters: Public grief: The Hip
Monica Kidd
CMAJ November 1, 2016 188:1184