Workplace violence is not part of a doctor's job
Barbara Sibbald
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E184
Considering benefits and harms of duloxetine for treatment of stress urinary incontinence: a meta-analysis of clinical study reports
Emma Maund, Louise Schow Guski, and Peter C. Gøtzsche
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E194-E203
Sex differential association of dermatomyositis with Sjögren syndrome
Chia-Chun Tseng, Shun-Jen Chang, Wen-Chan Tsai, Tsan-Teng Ou, Cheng-Chin Wu, Wan-Yu Sung, Ming-Chia Hsieh, and Jeng-Hsien Yen
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E187-E193
Secrecy or transparency? The future of regulatory trial data
Beate Wieseler and Natalie McGauran
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E185-E186
Improving precision medicine using individual patient data from trials
Amos Cahan and James J. Cimino
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E204-E207
Cases: Kounis syndrome and systemic mastocytosis in a 52-year-old man having surgery
Marina Lerner, Raveen S. Pal, and Rozita Borici-Mazi
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E208-E211
Clinical Images: Hydroxychloroquine-related skin discoloration
Jérôme Coulombe and Olivia Boccara
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E212
Medicine and Society: The interwoven history of mercury poisoning in Ontario and Japan
Adam Mosa and Jacalyn Duffin
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E213-E215
Nominee to lead US health care accused of insider trading
Roger Collier
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E221
Antibiotic overprescribing a growing problem
Paul Webster
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E222
Is it premature to SPRINT?
David M. Allen
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E217
The authors respond to "Is it premature to SPRINT?"
Doreen M. Rabi and Raj Padwal
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E218
After hours surgery and mortality: the potential role of acute care surgery models as a factor accounting for results
David R. Lardner, Carmen A. Brauer, A. Rob Harrop, and Ali MacRobie
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E219
Response to "After hours surgery and mortality: the potential role of acute care surgery models as a factor accounting for results"
Katie J. Sheehan, Boris Sobolev, and Pierre Guy , For the Canadian Collaborative Study of Hip Fractures
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E220
Diagnosis and management of pediatric tuberculosis in Canada
David M. Allen
CMAJ February 6, 2017 189:E216