Natural health products should be sold separately from drugs
Matthew Stanbrook
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E848
Influences on the start, selection and duration of treatment with antibiotics in long-term care facilities
Nick Daneman, Michael A. Campitelli, Vasily Giannakeas, Andrew M. Morris, Chaim M. Bell, Colleen J. Maxwell, Lianne Jeffs, Peter C. Austin, and Susan E. Bronskill
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E851-E860
Medical assistance in dying: time for physicians to step up to protect themselves and patients
James Downar and Louis Hugo Francescutti
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E849-E850
What is Your Call?: A 44-year-old man with acute asymmetric polyarthritis and fever
Jeffrey Yu, Sameer Elsayed, and Dongmei Sun
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E861-E864
Clinical Images: Demodex folliculitis
Claude Bachmeyer and Alicia Moreno-Sabater
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E865
Profile: Serving two masters: the medical and political careers of Sir Charles Tupper
T. Jock Murray
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E866-E868
Manitoba's unique health care burdens stall federal deal
Roger Collier
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E873-E874
The home care conversation we're not having
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E875-E876
Nigeria's polio endgame impeded by Boko Haram
Paul Webster
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E877-E878
Identifying those infected with hepatitis C virus
Eric M. Yoshida, Eberhard Renner, Philip Wong, and Mel Krajden
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E869
Hepatitis C testing in Canada: don't leave baby boomers behind
Lianping Ti, Viviane Lima, Mark Hull, Bohdan Nosyk, Jeffrey Joy, Julio Montaner, Mel Krajden, Richard Harrigan, Thomas Kerr, Kate Shannon, Evan Wood, Jean Shoveller, Alnoor Ramji, Hin Hin Ko, Eric Yoshida, David Hall, and Rolando Barrios
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E870-E871
Harms of overoxygenation in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CMAJ June 26, 2017 189:E872