Human papillomavirus in oropharyngeal cancer in Canada: analysis of 5 comprehensive cancer centres using multiple imputation
Steven Habbous, Karen P. Chu, Harold Lau, Melissa Schorr, Mathieos Belayneh, Michael N. Ha, Scott Murray, Brian O'Sullivan, Shao Hui Huang, Stephanie Snow, Matthew Parliament, Desiree Hao, Winson Y. Cheung, Wei Xu, and Geoffrey Liu
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1030-E1040
Anesthetic neurotoxicity and the developing brain
Anthony M.-H. Ho, Melinda L. Fleming, and Glenio B. Mizubuti
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1028-E1029
Five Things to Know About ...: Living kidney donation
Ann Bugeja and Edward G. Clark
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1041
Clinical Images: Thrombosed persistent sciatic artery presenting with pain in the buttock
Nai-Ching Chen and Chien-Liang Chen
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1042
Medicine and Society: "Hunger was never absent": How residential school diets shaped current patterns of diabetes among Indigenous peoples in Canada
Ian Mosby and Tracey Galloway
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1043-E1045
"I didn't know I needed a poet"
Monica Kidd
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1053
Expert forum releases roadmap for drug reform
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1048-E1049
July Effect? Maybe not
Emily Hughes
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1050-E1051
Dramatic budget increase for hepatitis treatment in federal prisons
Paul Webster
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1052
Adverse health outcomes in transgender people
Marria Townsend, Haleema Jaffer, and Lauren Goldman
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1046
The authors respond to "Adverse health outcomes in transgender people"
Martina A. Kelly, Wesley Chan, and Alasdair Drummond
CMAJ August 14, 2017 189:E1047