Health Services: Healthy interpretation
Moneeza Walji and Ken Flegel
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1273
Persistence of immunity after vaccination with a capsular group B meningococcal vaccine in 3 different toddler schedules
Manish Sadarangani, Tim Sell, Mildred A. Iro, Matthew D. Snape, Merryn Voysey, Adam Finn, Paul T. Heath, Gianni Bona, Susanna Esposito, Javier Diez-Domingo, Roman Prymula, Adefowope Odueyungbo, Daniela Toneatto, and Andrew J. Pollard , for the European MenB Vaccine Study Group
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1276-E1285
We need a "made in Canada" orphan drug framework
Hugh J. McMillan and Craig Campbell
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1274-E1275
Cases: Testosterone use causing erythrocytosis
Andrea Cervi and Amaris K. Balitsky
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1286-E1288
Clinical Images: Thumb and vallecula signs in acute infectious epiglottitis
Hiroki Matsuura and Takashi Fukumura
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1289
Encounters: Saturday night at St. Mary's
Peter Clement Duffy
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1290-E1292
Public health in the 21st century: Why public health is the most challenging specialty of all
Trevor Hancock
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1301
Mental Health: Saskatchewan First Nations drafts suicide prevention plan
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1295-E1296
Health Canada to warn young people of cannabis risks in campaign
Roger Collier
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1297
Beacon in developmental biology
Antonio Bruni
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1298-E1299
Pay gap growing between family doctors, other specialists
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1300
Real-world data really matter
Laura McDonald, Sreeram V. Ramagopalan, and Michael Lees
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1293
Federal leadership needed to realize national data set for cardiovascular care
Paul Dorian and Catherine Kells
CMAJ October 16, 2017 189:E1294