Smoking abstinence 1 year after acute coronary syndrome: follow-up from a randomized controlled trial of varenicline in patients admitted to hospital
Sarah B. Windle, Payam Dehghani, Nathalie Roy, Wayne Old, François R. Grondin, Iqbal Bata, Ayman Iskander, Claude Lauzon, Nalin Srivastava, Adam Clarke, Daniel Cassavar, Danielle Dion, Herbert Haught, Shamir R. Mehta, Jean-François Baril, Charles Lambert, Mina Madan, Beth L. Abramson and Mark J. Eisenberg; for the EVITA Investigators
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E347-E354
Mental Health: Person-level changes in oxycodone use after the introduction of a tamper-resistant formulation in Australia
Andrea L. Schaffer, Nicholas A. Buckley, Louisa Degenhardt, Briony Larance, Rose Cairns, Timothy A. Dobbins and Sallie-Anne Pearson
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E355-E362
Tackling smoking cessation systematically among inpatients with heart disease
Robert D. Reid, Kerri-Anne Mullen and Andrew L. Pipe
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E345-E346
Cases: Human granulocytic anaplasmosis acquired from a blacklegged tick in Ontario
Stefan Edginton, T. Hugh Guan, Gerald Evans and Siddhartha Srivastava
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E363-E366
Five Things to Know About ...: Low-risk ankle injuries in children
Maxim Ben-Yakov and Kathy Boutis
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E367
Encounters: Seeking graphic medicine narratives
Sylvia M. Nickerson
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E368-E369
Public health in the 21st century: Public health in the Anthropocene
Trevor Hancock
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E377
Most Quebec medical residents show signs of burnout
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E372
Medical trainees want benefit of doubt when reporting harassment
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E373-E374
Are provincial medical associations taking physician mental health seriously enough?
Brian Owens
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E375-E376
Fueling the culture of distrust in physicians
Nadia Alam
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E370
Creating the conditions that allow health for all to emerge
Joachim P. Sturmberg
CMAJ March 26, 2018 190:E371