Photoplethysmography using a smartphone application for assessment of ulnar artery patency: a randomized clinical trial
Pietro Di Santo, David T. Harnett, Trevor Simard, F. Daniel Ramirez, Ali Pourdjabbar, Altayyeb Yousef, Robert Moreland, Jordan Bernick, George Wells, Alexander Dick, Michel Le May, Marino Labinaz, Derek So, Pouya Motazedian, Richard G. Jung, Jaya Chandrasekhar, Roxana Mehran, Aun-Yeong Chong and Benjamin Hibbert
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E380-E388
Mobile cell phone technology puts the future of health care in our hands
Kumanan Wilson
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E378-E379
Kidney age, not kidney disease
Richard J. Stevens, Julie Evans, Jason Oke, Benjamin Smart, F.D. Richard Hobbs, Elizabeth Holloway, Jeremy Horwood, Marion Judd, Louise Locock, Julie McLellan and Rafael Perera
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E389-E393
Cases: Sepsis: Mycobacterium avium complex infection presenting as persistent ascites
Bourne L. Auguste, Ashish D. Patel and Reed A. Siemieniuk
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E394-E397
Clinical Images: Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia (pseudolymphoma)
Linghong Linda Zhou and Nisha Mistry
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E398
You have accessMedicine and Society: Health Services: Vaccinating in the age of apathy: measles vaccination in Canada, 1963–1998
Heather MacDougall and Laurence Monnais
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E399-E401
Medicine changing as women make up more of physician workforce
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E404-E405
Parliament debates junk food ads, vaping
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E406-E407
Patient complaints about Canadian doctors on the rise
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E408
The Canadian Medical Association and medical marijuana
Rohit Kumar
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E402
Is aldosteronism really a relatively common cause of hypertension?
Günther Egidi, Guido Schmiemann and Klaus Gebhardt
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E403
Diffuse skin thickening, myalgias and joint stiffness in a 41-year-old man
CMAJ April 3, 2018 190:E409