Assessment of potential bias in research grant peer review in Canada
Robyn Tamblyn, Nadyne Girard, Christina J. Qian and James Hanley
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E489-E499
Recent opioid use and fall-related injury among older patients with trauma
Raoul Daoust, Jean Paquet, Lynne Moore, Marcel Émond, Sophie Gosselin, Gilles Lavigne, Manon Choinière, Aline Boulanger, Jean-Marc Mac-Thiong and Jean-Marc Chauny
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E500-E506
Warning of an increased risk of vertebral fracture after stopping denosumab
Christopher Symonds and Gregory Kline
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E485-E486
The foundation and consequences of gender bias in grant peer review processes
Rosemary Morgan, Kate Hawkins and Jamie Lundine
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E487-E488
Cases: Swallowing-induced atrial tachycardia
Rebecca Mathew, Martin S. Green and Pablo B. Nery
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E507-E509
Clinical Images: Eight-and-a-half syndrome: one-and-a-half syndrome with peripheral facial nerve palsy
Ahmad Almutlaq and Alby Richard
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E510
Medicine And Society: Mental Health: Saving faces
Sharrona Pearl
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E511-E512
Mental health promotion must be a priority
Trevor Hancock
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E522
Obtaining funding an age-old problem for young researchers with novel ideas
Miriam Shuchman
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E516-E517
Should medical errors ever be considered criminal offences?
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E518-E519
Should doctors talk politics with patients?
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E520-E521
Whole genome sequencing unlikely to be funded by government health plans
Tony Morris
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E513
The hundred-dollar genome: a health care cart before the genomic horse
Shiva Singh
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E514
Mycobacterium avium complex infection presenting as persistent ascites
CMAJ April 23, 2018 190:E515