Mental Health: The association between suicide deaths and putatively harmful and protective factors in media reports
Mark Sinyor, Ayal Schaffer, Yasunori Nishikawa, Donald A. Redelmeier, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Jitender Sareen, Anthony J. Levitt, Alex Kiss and Jane Pirkis
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E900-E907
Mental Health: Responsible reporting to prevent suicide contagion
Ian Colman
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E898-E899
How placebo characteristics can influence estimates of intervention effects in trials
Jeremy Howick and Tammy Hoffmann
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E908-E911
Clinical Images: Monilethrix
Hui-Lin Zhi and Ze-Hu Liu
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E912
Encounters: It was never about The Cancer It was about Me
Shelby Owens
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E913
Decisions by new Ontario government worry science and health care communities
Roger Collier
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E917-E918
Doctors increasingly caught in crosshairs of counter-terrorism efforts
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E919
Doctors need retraining to keep up with technological change
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E920
Daily analgesia for nonheadache pain may not lead to daily rebound headaches
Steve Blitzer
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E914
Look for an underlying cause of headache
Michael Zitney
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E915
Poor evidence to guide chronic pain treatment
Ellen N. Thompson
CMAJ July 30, 2018 190:E916