Withdrawal of Saudi trainees exposes vulnerability of Canadian health care
M. Hashim Khan, Nadine Abdullah and Matthew B. Stanbrook
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1030-E1032
Mental Health: Minimizing the adverse public health effects of cannabis legalization
Wayne Hall
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1031-E1032
Absolute 10-year risk of dementia by age, sex and APOE genotype: a population-based cohort study
Katrine L. Rasmussen, Anne Tybjærg-Hansen, Børge G. Nordestgaard and Ruth Frikke-Schmidt
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1033-E1041
How predatory journals leak into PubMed
Andrea Manca, David Moher, Lucia Cugusi, Zeevi Dvir and Franca Deriu
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1042-E1045
Cases: Vaccine-associated measles in a healthy 40-year-old woman
Lucas Churchill, Francesco A. Rizzuti, Kevin Fonseca and Joseph Kim
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1046-E1048
Clinical Images: Black esophagus: acute esophageal necrosis complicating diabetic ketoacidosis
Hourmazd Haghbayan, Avijeet K. Sarker and Eric A. Coomes
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1049
Encounters: She is her
Alison Riann Dixon
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1050
EHR access and training still lacking for medical trainees
Roger Collier
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1054
Part-time doctors — reducing hours to reduce burnout
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1055
Many Canadian health facilities unprepared for disasters
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1057
Canada Food Guide's focus on reducing saturated fat contradicts evidence
Barbra Allen Bradshaw and Carol Loffelmann
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1051
The author responds to “Canada Food Guide’s focus on reducing saturated fat contradicts evidence”
David J.A. Jenkins
CMAJ September 4, 2018 190:E1052-E1053