Postnatal exposure to household disinfectants, infant gut microbiota and subsequent risk of overweight in children
Mon H. Tun, Hein M. Tun, Justin J. Mahoney, Theodore B. Konya, David S. Guttman, Allan B. Becker, Piush J. Mandhane, Stuart E. Turvey, Padmaja Subbarao, Malcolm R. Sears, Jeffrey R. Brook, Wendy Lou, Tim K. Takarao, James A. Scott and Anita L. Kozyrskyj; for the CHILD Study Investigators
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1097-E1107
Are household disinfectants microbially mediated obesogens?
Moira K. Differding and Noel T. Mueller
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1095-E1096
Cases: Brucella infection at cardiac pacemaker site in a patient who had consumed raw caribou meat in Northern Canada
Jamil N. Kanji and Lynora Saxinger
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1108-E1110
Clinical Images: Emphysematous liver abscess in a 58-year-old woman
Chin-Chuan Hsu and Wei-Jing Lee
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1111
Encounters: Vulnerable Populations: Image-based storytelling: a visual narrative of my family's story
Lisa Boivin
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1112-E1113
Patient sketches: Chance of a Hearing Aid
Alan Blum
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1121
Incoming CMA president seeks balance for a divided medical profession
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1116-E1117
Doctors on their own when dealing with racism from patients
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1118-E1119
Saudi medical trainees may keep posts in Canada
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1120
Canadian program directors lack data to select residency candidates
Matthew D. McInnes
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1114
Principles for screening: Too few concerns for informed consent and shared decision-making?
Alain Braillon, Philippe Nicot and Cécile Bour
CMAJ September 17, 2018 190:E1115