Influence of socioeconomic events on cause-specific mortality in urban Shanghai, China, from 1974 to 2015: a population-based longitudinal study
Shuo Wang, Xiaoyu Du, Xue Han, Fan Yang, Jia Zhao, Hui Li, Mi Li, Hongwei Zhang, Wenbin Liu, Jiahui Song and Guangwen Cao
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1153-E1161
A perioperative approach to the opioid crisis
Johnny-Wei Bai, James Bao, Anuj Bhatia and Vincent W.S. Chan
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1151-E1152
Health Services: Improving the quality of health care in Canada
Irfan A. Dhalla and Joshua Tepper
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1162-E1167
Cases: Progressive renal failure complicated by transient and recurrent ureteral obstruction
Alexandre P. Garneau, Paul René de Cotret, Maude Tesolin and Paul Isenring
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1168-E1170
Clinical Images: Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis after pulmonary tuberculosis
Edgar Ortiz-Brizuela and Alfredo Ponce-de-León
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1171
Encounters: An open letter to all of the medical journals who send me daily offers to publish my "high-impact research in next month's issue"
Gregory Kline
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1172
How many doctors do we actually need?
Brian Owens
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1175-E1176
Medical students protest steadily rising tuition fees
Caroline Mercer
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1177-E1178
Closing male–female gaps in clinical care requires addressing entrenched ideas on gender risks
Miriam Shuchman
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1179-E1180
To what end, evolutionary medicine?
Noel Corser
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1173
Focus on saving money lets patients and surgeons down
Gustavo Azoubel
CMAJ October 1, 2018 190:E1174