Venous thromboembolism in patients with gout and the impact of hospital admission, disease duration and urate-lowering therapy
Alyshah Abdul Sultan, Sara Muller, Rebecca Whittle, Edward Roddy, Christian Mallen and Lorna Clarson
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E597-E603
Vulnerable Populations: Facilitating the wishes of patients who choose both MAiD and organ donation
Johannes Mulder
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E595-E596
Guidance For Policy: Deceased organ and tissue donation after medical assistance in dying and other conscious and competent donors: guidance for policy
James Downar, Sam D. Shemie, Clay Gillrie, Marie-Chantal Fortin, Amber Appleby, Daniel Z. Buchman, Christen Shoesmith, Aviva Goldberg, Vanessa Gruben, Jehan Lalani, Dirk Ysebaert, Lindsay Wilson and Michael D. Sharpe; for Canadian Blood Services, the Canadian Critical Care Society, the Canadian Society of Transplantation and the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E604-E613
Clinical Images: Emphysematous cystitis associated with voiding dysfunction from herpes zoster
Takeshi Kondo
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E614
Encounters: Ego and id
Sumedha Arya
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E615-E616
Vulnerable Populations: Patient sketches: Homeless
Alan Blum
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E624
New service proposed for expectant mothers after Motherisk closure
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E619-E620
Medical schools to boost numbers of Indigenous students, faculty
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E621
Preserving the human touch in medicine in a digital age
Sarah Brown
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E622-E623
Assessing methodologic quality of a meta-analysis on managing chronic disease in older adults
Razieh Bidhendi Yarandi
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E617
The authors respond to “Assessing methodologic quality of a meta-analysis on managing chronic disease in older adults”
Monika Kastner, Sharon E. Straus, Jemila Hamid, Noah Ivers and Jayna Holroyd-Leduc
CMAJ June 3, 2019 191:E618