Election 2019: unprecedented hope for universal pharmacare
Matthew B. Stanbrook
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1116-E1117
The Polyamorous Childbearing and Birth Experiences Study (POLYBABES): a qualitative study of the health care experiences of polyamorous families during pregnancy and birth
Erika Arseneau, Samantha Landry and Elizabeth K. Darling
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1120-E1127
Reducing barriers to care for patients who practise consensual nonmonogamy
Sharon M. Flicker
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1118-E1119
Sodium-glucose cotransporter inhibitors in type 2 diabetes: thinking beyond glucose lowering
Brendon L. Neuen, David Z. Cherney, Meg J. Jardine and Vlado Perkovic
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1128-E1135
accessFive Things to Know About ...: E-cigarettes
Mehdi Aloosh, Janice Johnston and Bart Harvey
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1136
Clinical Images Sepsis: Mitral valve endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus aureus
Ashok Kumar Pannu, S. Prethiviraj and Archana Angrup
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1137
Encounters: At the doctor's, not the dentist's
Hissan Butt
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1138
Mental Health: On mindfulness practice
Jillian Horton
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1146
Partnerships between health authorities and Amazon Alexa raise many possibilities — and just as many questions
Sarah Brown
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1141-E1142
Drug pricing apps only as effective as incentives to use them
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1143-E1144
Medical school weight gain understudied
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1145
Responsible use of rifampin in Canada is threatened by irresponsible shortages
Adam R. Houston, Ryan Cooper and Faiz Ahmad Khan
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1139
Cost-effectiveness analysis should be mandatory in clinical-effectiveness research
Bharath Kumar Tirupakuzhi Vijayaraghavan, Xavier Willaert and Brian H. Cuthbertson
CMAJ October 15, 2019 191:E1140