Episiotomy use among vaginal deliveries and the association with anal sphincter injury: a population-based retrospective cohort study
Giulia M. Muraca, Shiliang Liu, Yasser Sabr, Sarka Lisonkova, Amanda Skoll, Rollin Brant, Geoffrey W. Cundiff, Olof Stephansson, Neda Razaz and K.S. Joseph
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1149-E1158
Health Services: Poor health workforce planning is costly, risky and inequitable
Ivy Bourgeault, Sarah Simkin and Caroline Chamberland-Rowe
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1147-E1148
Cases: Eosinophilic myocarditis presenting with hypoactive delirium and cardioembolic stroke
Ka Hong Chan and Paul Gibson
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1159-E1163
Clinical Images: Hand knob stroke from cancer-associated thromboembolism
Yoshitaka Tomoda, Masahito Tanaka and Kazutoyo Tanaka
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1164
Encounters: From patient to parent: a dual-generation journey
Shannon Cushman
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1165-E1166
Laupacis aims to bring patient perspective to CMAJ
Brian Owens
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1171
Rise of medical AI poses new legal risks for doctors
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1173-E1174
What are federal parties promising on health?
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1175-E1176
Increasing vaccination rates requires a better understanding of vaccine hesitancy
Joshua P. Bennett
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1167-E1168
Pre-emptive screening for peanut allergy before peanut ingestion in infants is not standard of care
Elissa M. Abrams, Alexander G. Singer and Edmond S. Chan
CMAJ October 21, 2019 191:E1169-E1170