Vulnerable Populations: Coverage and equity of maternal and newborn health care in rural Nigeria, Ethiopia and India
Tanya Marchant, Emma Beaumont, Krystyna Makowiecka, Della Berhanu, Tsegahun Tessema, Meenakshi Gautham, Kultar Singh, Nasir Umar, Adamu Umar Usman, Keith Tomlin, Simon Cousens, Elizabeth Allen and Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1179-E1188
Magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis of prostate cancer: promise and caution
Douglas C. Cheung and Antonio Finelli
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1177-E1178
Testing group differences for confounder selection in nonrandomized studies: flawed practice
Nadia Sourial, Isabelle Vedel, Mélanie Le Berre and Tibor Schuster
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1189-E1193
Five Things to Know About ...: The cardiovascular benefits of low-dosage acetylsalicylic acid
Priya Koilpillai and N. Sudhir Nishtala
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1194
Clinical Images: Erythema multiforme major associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
Jason T. Bau and Curtis L. Cooper
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1164
Encounters: Mental Health: Disclosure
Carrie Bernard
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1196-E1197
How "digital therapeutics" differ from traditional health and wellness apps
Tim Lougheed
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1200-E1201
Are fees for cataract surgery still too high?
Brian Owens
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1202-E1203
Medical students give lower marks to training in some specialties
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1204
Is it time to develop AGREE III?
Joseph Watine
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1198
Improved cell-purification techniques and safety monitoring needed for olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation
Richard D. Bartlett, James B. Phillips and David Choi
CMAJ October 28, 2019 191:E1199