Mental Health: Health outcomes associated with emergency department visits by adolescents for self-harm: a propensity-matched cohort study
William Gardner, Kathleen Pajer, Paula Cloutier, Lisa Currie, Ian Colman, Roger Zemek, Simon Hatcher, Isac Lima and Mario Cappelli
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1207-E1216
Improving access to selective dorsal rhizotomy for children with cerebral palsy
Benjamin Davidson, Darcy Fehlings, Golda Milo-Manson and George M. Ibrahim
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1205-E1206
Cases Sepsis: Bilateral adrenal histoplasmosis manifesting as primary adrenal insufficiency
Lilian J. Robinson, Mary Lu, Sameer Elsayed and Tisha R. Joy
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1217-E1221
Clinical Images: Bilateral adrenal hemorrhages in a patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Mario Montealegre-Gallegos and Somnath Bose
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1222
Encounters: The line
Brett Schrewe
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1223-E1224
Is the culture of medicine contributing to miscarriages among female physicians?
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1229-E1230
Liberals promise family doctors for all but is it realistic?
Brian Owens
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1231-E1232
Fentanyl patch probably not related to amnesia in case
Romayne E. Gallagher
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1225
The authors respond to "Fentanyl patch probably not related to amnesia in case"
Ryan G. Taylor, Seyed M. Mirsattari and Donald H. Lee
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1226-E1227
Opioid-associated amnestic syndrome observed with fentanyl patch use
CMAJ November 4, 2019 191:E1228