
Climate change, taxes and health: getting government back to work on its most urgent business
Kirsten Patrick
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1233-E1234


Impact of brand drug discount cards on private insurer, government and patient expenditures
Michael R. Law, Fiona K.I. Chan, Mark Harrison and Heather C. Worthington
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1237-E1241


Co-pay cards in Canada: Improving choice or institutionalizing bribes?
Marc-André Gagnon
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1235-E1236


The “1-year-death number needed to treat” for comparing the impact of distinct interventions on patient outcomes
Brett N. Hryciw, Finlay A. McAlister, Meltem Tuna and Carl van Walraven
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1242-E1249


High-flow nasal oxygen therapy in adults with hypoxemia
Michael C. Sklar and Laveena Munshi
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1250

Schamroth sign
Naoki Matsuura
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1251


Anatomical poems
Courtney Bates-Hardy
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1252-E1253


On joy in medicine
Jillian Horton
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1259


Doctors urge courts to protect children from parental negligence
Marie-Claude Grégoire
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1256

Why health promises don't win federal elections
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1257-E1258


Sudden cardiac death and ethnicity
Consolato M. Sergi
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1254

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, temporomandibular disorders and dysfunctional breathing
Jim R. Bartley
CMAJ November 11, 2019 191:E1255