Anosmia and dysgeusia associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection: an age-matched case–control study
Alex Carignan, Louis Valiquette, Cynthia Grenier, Jean Berchmans Musonera, Delphin Nkengurutse, Anaïs Marcil-Héguy, Kim Vettese, Dominique Marcoux, Corinne Valiquette, Wei Ting Xiong, Pierre-Hughes Fortier, Mélissa Généreux and Jacques Pépin
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E702-E707
Baseline characteristics and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 admitted to intensive care units in Vancouver, Canada: a case series
Anish R. Mitra, Nicholas A. Fergusson, Elisa Lloyd-Smith, Andrew Wormsbecker, Denise Foster, Andrei Karpov, Sarah Crowe, Greg Haljan, Dean R. Chittock, Hussein D. Kanji, Mypinder S. Sekhon and Donald E.G. Griesdale
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E694-E701
Health Services: Principles for clinical care of patients with COVID-19 on medical units
David W. Frost, Rupal Shah, Lindsay Melvin, Miguel Galán de Juana, Thomas E. MacMillan, Tarek Abdelhalim, Alison Lai, Shail Rawal and Rodrigo B. Cavalcanti
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E720-E726
Vulnerable Populations: COVID-19 and people experiencing homelessness: challenges and mitigation strategies
Melissa Perri, Naheed Dosani and Stephen W. Hwang
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E716-E719
Cases: A 61-year-old woman with chronic leg lymphedema managed with complete decongestive therapy
Larysa Bondalevich and Stefan de Laplante
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E708-E712
Five things to know about …: Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2
Carl Boodman, Philippe Lagacé-Wiens and Jared Bullard
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E713
Clinical Images: Tuberous sclerosis complex presenting as periungual fibromas and seizures in a 52-year-old woman
Daniel Ortega-Quijano, Bibiana Pérez-García and Sergio Vañó-Galván
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E714
Clinical Images: Ulcerated nodule in a 50-year old man who underwent lung transplantation
Alexandre Lemieux, Annie Belisle and Me-Linh Luong
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E715
Encounters: Living donor liver transplant between physicians: two viewpoints
Robert J. Stewart and Marie E. Faughnan
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E729-E731
Rehab facilities face COVID-19 crunch as more patients recover
Allison Daniel
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E732-E733
Further developments in the literature on RAAS inhibitors and COVID-19
Kieran L. Quinn, Michael Fralick, Jonathan S. Zipursky and Nathan M. Stall
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E727
Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitors to treat COVID-19?
Richard A. Henry
CMAJ June 29, 2020 192:E728