Projected effects of nonpharmaceutical public health interventions to prevent resurgence of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Canada
Victoria Ng, Aamir Fazil, Lisa A. Waddell, Christina Bancej, Patricia Turgeon, Ainsley Otten, Nicole Atchessi and Nicholas H. Ogden
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1053-E1064
Shaping the future of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada
Ashleigh R. Tuite and Amy L. Greer
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1074-E1075
Development of a framework for critical care resource allocation for the COVID-19 pandemic in Saskatchewan
Sabira Valiani, Luke Terrett, Colin Gebhardt, Oksana Prokopchuk-Gauk and Melody Isinger
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1067-E1073
Five Things to Know About ...: Kidney injury associated with COVID-19
Daniel Blum, Alejandro Meraz-Munoz and Ziv Harel
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1065
Clinical Images: Rapidly enlarging scalp nodules in a 20-month-old child
Feras M. Ghazawi, Kevin Cheung and Geneviève Gavigan
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1066
Encounters: When the seizures wouldn’t stop
Shaurya Taran and Elizabeth Wilcox
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1077-E1078
Patient Portraits: Marizel Reyes Evangelista
Seema Marwaha
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1083
How can Canada improve worsening wait times?
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1079-E1080
What about the wait times Canada isn’t tracking?
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1081-E1082
Lyme carditis and neuroborreliosis
Edward J. Cormode
CMAJ September 14, 2020 192 (37) E1076