Risk of peanut- and tree-nut–induced anaphylaxis during Halloween, Easter and other cultural holidays in Canadian children
Mélanie Leung, Ann E. Clarke, Sofianne Gabrielli, Judy Morris, Jocelyn Gravel, Rodrick Lim, Edmond S. Chan, Ran D. Goldman, Paul Enarson, Andrew O’Keefe, Jennifer Gerdts, Derek Chu, Julia Upton, Xun Zhang, Greg Shand and Moshe Ben-Shoshan
CMAJ September 21, 2020 192 (38) E1084-E1092
COVID-19 and the decolonization of Indigenous public health
Lisa Richardson and Allison Crawford
CMAJ September 21, 2020 192 (38) E1098-E1100
Cases: Pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19: a spectrum of diseases with many names
Herman Tam, Tala El Tal, Ellen Go and Rae S.M. Yeung
CMAJ September 21, 2020 192 (38) E1093-E1096
Clinical Images: Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis caused by an intravenous radiocontrast medium
Carolyn Michelle Tan and Jonathan Samuel Zipursky
CMAJ September 21, 2020 192 (38) E1097
Have we misjudged the role of children in spreading COVID-19?
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ September 21, 2020 192 (38) E1102-E1103
Further discussion of community- and population-level strategies
Daiva E. Nielsen
CMAJ September 21, 2020 192 (38) E1101