Firearm-related injuries and deaths in Ontario, Canada, 2002–2016: a population-based study
David Gomez, Natasha Saunders, Brittany Greene, Robin Santiago, Najma Ahmed and Nancy N. Baxter
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1253-E1263
Recognizing and addressing implicit gender bias in medicine
Katrina Hui, Javeed Sukhera, Simone Vigod, Valerie H. Taylor and Juveria Zaheer
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1269-E1270
Innovations: Spinal cord stimulation: a nonopioid alternative for chronic pain management
Aaron Hong, Vishal Varshney, Gregory M.T. Hare and C. David Mazer
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1264-E1267
Clinical Images: Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
Kristyna Cleminson and Natalie Cunningham
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1268
Encounters: Let's talk about the "S" word
Vanessa Warren
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1272-E1273
Public health experts are learning from Canada's anti-mask protests
Sandani Hapuhennedige
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1274-E1275
Erythrocytosis induced by sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors
Benjamin Chin-Yee, Ziad Solh and Cyrus Hsia
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1271
Modélisation mathématique de la transmission de la COVID-19 et stratégies d’atténuation des risques dans la population ontarienne au Canada
Ashleigh R. Tuite, David N. Fisman, Amy L. Greer
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1276-E1285
TDM thoracique d’un des premiers cas canadiens de COVID-19 chez un homme de 28 ans
Navneet Singh, Jennifer Fratesi
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1286-E1287
Soins palliatifs en temps de pandémie : au-delà des respirateurs et des vies à sauver
Amit Arya, Sandy Buchman, Bruno Gagnon, James Downar
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1288-E1293
Éloignement social pour lutter contre la COVID-19 : nous sommes tous en première ligne
Kirsten Patrick, Matthew B. Stanbrook, Andreas Laupacis
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1294-E1295
Générer des données d’essais randomisés pour optimiser le traitement à l’ère de la pandémie de COVID-19
Matthew P. Cheng, Todd C. Lee, Darrell H.S. Tan, Srinivas Murthy
CMAJ October 19, 2020 192 (42) E1296-E1298