You have accessMental Health: Characteristics of patients with mental illness and persistent high-cost status: a population-based analysis
Claire de Oliveira, Joyce Mason and Paul Kurdyak
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1793-E1801
accessThe efficacy and safety of sunscreen use for the prevention of skin cancer
Megan Sander, Michael Sander, Toni Burbidge and Jennifer Beecker
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1802-E1808
Five Things to Know About ...: Deaf culture and health care
Mary Malebranche, Kevin Morisod and Patrick Bodenmann
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1809
linical Images: Median nail dystrophy
Morteza Khodaee, Naomi Kelley and Sabrina Newman
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1810
Encounters: Are we going to talk about it?
Palika Kohli
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1812-E1813
Should Canada aim for #CovidZero?
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1814-E1815
Codesigning a public health approach to preventing firearm-related suicide deaths with rural communities
Nathaniel Pollock, Margo Wilson, Yordan Karaivanov, Nicole Power and Charlene Reccord
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1811
Prévoir et gérer la coagulopathie et les manifestations thrombotiques de la COVID-19 sévère
Lucas C. Godoy, Ewan C. Goligher, Patrick R. Lawler, Arthur S. Slutsky and Ryan Zarychanski
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1816-E1822
Association entre un taux indétectable de bicarbonate sérique et une pancréatite due à une hypertriglycéridémie
Nicole L. Veltri, Michael Chan and Sara Awad
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1823-E1827
La thalassémie
Hayley Merkeley and Lauren Bolster
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1828-E1829
Grossesse intramurale fundique
Michael Chaikof, Sebastian Hobson and Mara Sobel
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1830
Détermination des priorités en chirurgie pédiatrique spécialisée au Canada durant la pandémie de COVID-19
Erik D. Skarsgard; pour les Pediatric Surgical Chiefs of Canada
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1831-E1833
Intégration des essais randomisés dans les soins cliniques : comment le Canada peut faire mieux
Srinivas Murthy, Robert A. Fowler and Andreas Laupacis
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1834-E1835
Trouver, tester, « tracer » et isoler énergiquement pour battre la COVID-19
Larissa M. Matukas, Irfan A. Dhalla and Andreas Laupacis
CMAJ December 14, 2020 192 (50) E1836-E1837