CMAJ and antiracism
Kirsten Patrick
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E453-E454
Burden of noninfluenza respiratory viral infections in adults admitted to hospital: analysis of a multiyear Canadian surveillance cohort from 2 centres
Nelson Lee, Stephanie Smith, Nathan Zelyas, Scott Klarenbach, Lori Zapernick, Christian Bekking, Helen So, Lily Yip, Graham Tipples, Geoff Taylor and Samira Mubareka
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E439-E446
Rapid antigen screening of asymptomatic people as a public health tool to combat COVID-19
Kevin L. Schwartz, Allison J. McGeer and Isaac I. Bogoch
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E449-E452
Five things to know about ...: Rapid antigen tests for SARS-CoV-2
Michael Liu, Rahul K. Arora and Mel Krajden
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E447
Clinical Images: Sepsis: Pseudoaneurysm of the brachial artery in a patient who uses intravenous drugs
Adam Kovacs-Litman and Wayne L. Gold
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E448
Encounters: Ephemeral
Lea Sultanem
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E456-E457
Canadian physicians frustrated with vaccine rollout
Diana Duong
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E458-E459
Transitioning to outpatient arthroplasty during COVID-19: time to pivot
Yehoshua Gleicher, Sharon Peacock, Miki Peer and Jesse Wolfstadt
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E455
Anémie grave induite par l’azathioprine et potentialisée par l’emploi concomitant d’allopurinol
Lorenzo Madrazo, Emily Jones and Cyrus C. Hsia
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E460-E463
Méthode actuelle de détermination du facteur Rhésus en contexte de transfusion et de grossesse
Willy Albert Flegel
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E464-E465
Schwannome de la langue
Keiichi Ohta and Hitoshi Yoshimura
CMAJ March 29, 2021 193 (13) E466-E467