The mobility gap: estimating mobility thresholds required to control SARS-CoV-2 in Canada
Kevin A. Brown, Jean-Paul R. Soucy, Sarah A. Buchan, Shelby L. Sturrock, Isha Berry, Nathan M. Stall, Peter Jüni, Amir Ghasemi, Nicholas Gibb, Derek R. MacFadden and Nick Daneman
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E592-E600; DOI:
Infectivity of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in children compared with adults
Jared Bullard, Duane Funk, Kerry Dust, Lauren Garnett, Kaylie Tran, Alex Bello, James E. Strong, Santina J. Lee, Jillian Waruk, Adam Hedley, David Alexander, Paul Van Caeseele, Carla Loeppky and Guillaume Poliquin
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E601-E606; DOI:
Health Services: Informing COVID-19 vaccination priorities based on the prevalence of risk factors among adults in Canada
Finlay A. McAlister, Tracey Bushnik, Alexander A. Leung and Lynora Saxinger
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E617-E621; DOI:
Innovations: Vulnerable Populations: A virtual care innovation for home mechanical ventilation
Reshma Amin, Regina Pizzuti, Francine Buchanan and Louise Rose
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E607-E611; DOI:
Cases: Bradycardia associated with remdesivir therapy for COVID-19 in a 59-year-old man
Leora Branfield Day, Husam Abdel-Qadir and Michael Fralick
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E612-E615; DOI:
Clinical Images: Accidental self-administration of an epinephrine autoinjector by a toddler
Sarah Edgerley, Rongbo Zhu and Samira Jeimy
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E616; DOI:
Should Canada's approach to COVID-19 and kids change with new variants?
Diana Duong
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E623-E624; DOI:
Determining intent behind poisoning suicides
Kayvan Aflaki and Joel Ray
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E622; DOI:
L’utilisation d’un bandage camoufle une lésion traumatique du bassin chez un homme de 29 ans
K.T. Matthew Seah and James W. MacKay
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E625-E626; DOI:
Acrodermatite entéropathique chez un garçon de 3 mois
Alexander K.C. Leung, Kin Fon Leong and Joseph M. Lam
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E627-E628; DOI:
Vaccination obligatoire des travailleurs de la santé: analyse juridique et politique
Colleen M. Flood, Bryan Thomas and Kumanan Wilson
CMAJ April 26, 2021 193 (17) E629-E633; DOI: