Birth outcomes following cesarean delivery on maternal request: a population-based cohort study
Yanfang Guo, Malia S.Q. Murphy, Erica Erwin, Romina Fakhraei, Daniel J. Corsi, Ruth Rennicks White, Alysha L.J. Harvey, Laura M. Gaudet, Mark C. Walker, Shi Wu Wen and Darine El-Chaâr
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E634-E644; DOI:
Aligning continuing professional development with quality improvement
Wendy Levinson and Brian M. Wong
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E647-E648; DOI:
Five things to know about …: Maculopathy caused by pentosan polysulfate
Daniel Rosenberg, David Sarraf and Varun Chaudhary
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E645; DOI:
Clinical Images: Sepsis: Disseminated gonorrhea with laryngeal involvement in a 25-year-old man
François Voruz and Igor Leuchter
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E646; DOI:
How can clinicians counter viral misinformation?
Diana Duong
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E651-E652; DOI:
CMA urges national action to curb third wave of COVID-19
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E653-E654; DOI:
Binder use and early pelvic radiographs in the management of unstable patients with blunt trauma
Nori L. Bradley, Michael J. Kim and Matthew R. Menon
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E649; DOI:
You have accessCorrection to "Working in a bubble: How can businesses reopen while limiting the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks?"
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E650; DOI:
COVID-19 chez les patients ontariens sous dialyse à long termes
Leena Taji, Doneal Thomas, Matthew J. Oliver, Jane Ip, Yiwen Tang, Angie Yeung, Rebecca Cooper, Andrew A. House, Phil McFarlane and Peter G. Blake
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E655-E662; DOI:
Diagnostic et traitement de l'adénomyose
(Ebernella) Shirin Dason, Crystal Chan and Mara Sobel
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E663; DOI:
Promouvoir l'équité entre les genres en médecin
Andrea C. Tricco, Ivy Bourgeault, Ainsley Moore, Eva Grunfeld, Nazia Peer and Sharon E. Straus
CMAJ May 03, 2021 193 (18) E664-E671; DOI: