Vulnerable Populations: Risk factors for outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 infection at retirement homes in Ontario, Canada: a population-level cohort study
Andrew P. Costa, Derek R. Manis, Aaron Jones, Nathan M. Stall, Kevin A. Brown, Veronique Boscart, Adriane Castellino, George A. Heckman, Michael P. Hillmer, Chloe Ma, Paul Pham, Saad Rais, Samir K. Sinha and Jeffrey W. Poss
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E672-E680; DOI:
Vulnerable Populations: Investigation of a severe SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in a long-term care home early in the pandemic
Michelle Murti, Monika Goetz, Andrea Saunders, Vidya Sunil, Jennifer L. Guthrie, AliReza Eshaghi, Sandra Zittermann, Sarah Teatero, Nahuel Fittipaldi, Heather Rilkoff, Jonathan B. Gubbay, Gary Garber, Sandra Callery, Anne Marie Holt and A. Lynn Noseworthy
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E681-E688; DOI:
Management of patients after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery: a guide for primary care practitioners
Dominique de Waard, Andrew Fagan, Christo Minnaar and David Horne
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E689-E694; DOI:
Five Things To Know About …: Mental Health: Anticraving medication for moderate to severe alcohol use disorder
Jon Mong, Keith Ahamad and Paxton Bach
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E695; DOI:
Clinical Images: Epstein–Barr virus infection associated with acute acalculous cholecystitis in a 20-year-old woman
Hiroaki Nakagawa and Yasushi Miyata
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E696; DOI:
Encounters: The Beirut blast
Eveline Hitti
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E698-E699; DOI:
Patient Portraits: Health Services: Catherine Héroux
Seema Marwaha
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E704; DOI:
Subtle messaging changes could boost organ donor numbers
Diana Duong
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E700-E701; DOI:
Should COVID-19 testing programs also screen for HIV?
Diana Duong
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E702-E703; DOI:
Integrating research and clinical care must include primary care
Michelle Greiver, Steve Slade, Sabrina Wong, Brian Hutchison, Donatus Mutasingwa, Andrew Pinto and Marshall Godwin
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E697; DOI:
Fractures du plancher de l'orbite
Christian El-Hadad, Jean Deschênes and Bryan Arthurs
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E705; DOI:
Abcès de la prostate
Reza Pishdad, Sean Sullivan and Oranus Mohammadi
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E706-E707; DOI:
Le CMAJ et la lutte contre le racisme
Kirsten Patrick
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E708-E709; DOI:
Avantages du dépistage opportuniste des infections transmissibles sexuellement en médecine de soins primaires
Troy Grennan and Darrell H.S. Tan
CMAJ May 10, 2021 193 (19) E710-E712; DOI: