Health Services: Long-distance travel for birthing among Indigenous and non-Indigenous pregnant people in Canada
Janet Smylie, Kristen O'Brien, Emily Beaudoin, Nihaya Daoud, Cheryllee Bourgeois, Evelyn Harney George, Kerry Bebee and Chaneesa Ryan
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E948-E955; DOI:
Cases: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in an adult after SARS-CoV-2 infection
Geneviève Kerkerian and Stephen D. Vaughan
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E956-E961; DOI:
Clinical Images: Lymphadenopathy associated with cat-scratch disease in a child
Guifeng Chen, Zhongjie Li and Guodong Ding
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E962; DOI:
Encounters: The sound of your name
Sharon McCutcheon
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E965-E966; DOI:
Feds sign off on mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines, but evidence gaps remain
Diana Duong
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E967-E968; DOI:
Association between thiazide diuretics and skin cancer: still nebulous
Malvinder S. Parmar
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E963; DOI:
Consider patient risk factors for melanoma when prescribing antihypertensives
Martin Dawes
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E996; DOI:
The authors reply to: "Antihypertensives and skin cancer" and "Association between thiazide diuretics and skin cancer: still nebulous"
Aaron M. Drucker and An-Wen Chan
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E964; DOI:
Facteurs de risque d'éclosion de SRAS-CoV-2 dans les résidences pour aînés en Ontario, au Canada: étude de cohorte à l'échelle de la population
Andrew P. Costa, Derek R. Manis, Aaron Jones, Nathan M. Stall, Kevin A. Brown, Véronique Boscart, Adriane Castellino, George A. Heckman, Michael P. Hillmer, Chloe Ma, Paul Pham, Saad Rais, Samir K. Sinha and Jeffrey W. Poss
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E969-E977; DOI:
Diagnostic et traitement du syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë
Shannon M. Fernando, Bruno L. Ferreyro, Martin Urner, Laveena Munshi and Eddy Fan
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E978-E986; DOI:
Bradycardie associée à un traitement au remdésivir contre la COVID-19 chez un homme de 59 ans
Leora Branfield Day, Husam Abdel-Qadir and Michael Fralick
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E987-E991; DOI:
Utilisation appropriée des antihistaminiques
Derek K. Chu, Paul Oykhman and Gordon L. Sussman
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E992-E993; DOI:
Hydrocéphalie asymptomatique
Amit R. Persad, Victoria Bass and Kotoo Meguro
CMAJ June 21, 2021 193 (25) E994-E995; DOI: